As the title says, please list what you find annoying with the organization.
What is your biggest gripe with the WT and it's teachings?
by FL_Panthers 63 Replies latest jw friends
I no longer debate teachings/doctrines, I find doing such as ridiculous as debating the merits or demerits of Eastern Astrology over Western Astrology, both are piffle and nonsense based on falsehoods.
What I find annoying, or better, frustrating about the W. T are the following:
1) They lie.
2) they will not use Reason.
3) they lie
4) they wil not look at evidence
5) they lie
6) they lie.
i left because i could not support some of the views regarding 1914 and could not therefore engage in the preaching work therefore no longer a witness and who will survive armageddon i have difficulty with this.
1975 i have no problem with the fact that the end did not come in or before that year, only with the attitude of some regarding what was said and who was responsible for it.
Baptism, and understanding of the resurrection, Jesus.
My biggest gripe is that you can't question them. Or bring out a different point to them without them looking at you side ways.
That they speak for God.
Can you get any more delusional?
The double standards. JW's can accept blood fractions but not give blood. JW's can have wear wedding rings that had a pagan origin but not celebrate other holidays because of the pagan origins. It’s not ok to enroll kids in extracurricular activities but it’s ok to brush with worldly people at the movies or going out to restaurants. New light makes old light irrelevant even though it was once touted as being the truth. It's OK to watch Disney magic but a sin to play WoW or watch Harry Potter.
1. Shunning
2. You can't disagree
3. You can't question
4. They suppress any and all personal goals unless they are theocratically oriented.
5. They lie and cover up wrong doings, past mistakes, and their own history.
6. They discourage advanced education.
7. They make up rules just to be different, and then df you for not folllwing made up rules.
I can go to 100 if you want me to.
@Legacy I understand your point. The same thing has happened to me when I asked on of my ex elders a question about false predictions
can you go to 9?