Just another dangerous religion that makes bigger claim than other religion.
1000's have died for this "true religion"
by FL_Panthers 63 Replies latest jw friends
Just another dangerous religion that makes bigger claim than other religion.
1000's have died for this "true religion"
ALL of the above!!!
Yes, the conceited veiw that they alone have the truth, and you cant question anything (even sincerley) without being labelled "apostate"...with all that comes with that title!
The problems I have with the WTS: shunning...too many meetings...repetition of material...the name "Jehovah"...baptising of minors...disfellowshipping of minors or anyone who does not wish to remain in the congregation...the translation of the "New World Translation"...timeslips for service hours...young children being called ministers...the constant reminder of "The Faithful and Discreet Slave"(who make themselves more important than Jesus)...all the rules and regulations in every aspect of your life...the constant reminder to do more...the reasons they give are always lies as to what is happening in the WTS...the fighting between congregation members...no reading of any other source other than the WTS material...and on and on.
Like a poster said above, the double standard, they're nothing but a boys club hiding under the religion umbrella.
I posted a few weeks ago how a Bro who lost his elder status because his son basically knocked up their neighborhood just transferred to another KH. So I'm sure Bro. Sw___, from a Queens Cong (but transferred to a Long Island Cong, now in Virginia) still gives talks and knocks on door and pushes the brotherly love on everyone and puts on him humble brother act.
and needless to say he's not the only one
Wow... most of the grievances are around how they handle people who disagree with their teachings.
And I agree. My biggest complaint is that they are extremists in their dogmatism and I can't disagree openly. And by disagree, I don't mean outright calling them liars, but instead having rational conversations with family and friends. Doing so labels me spiritually weak and even apostate.
My next grievance is not being allow to quietly leave without being shunned in some fashion, up to and including expulsion.
They tell you not to improve your lifestyle
Avoid independent thinking
1. Deliberate deception. The Creation book and the Trinity brochure are examples. Also, the Proclaimers book is deceptive in the way it is written. There's an example of blatant deception in the Reasoning book that I'm going to post soon.
2. Criticizing other organizations & individuals, but not allowing others to criticize them. They can pick you to pieces, but won't let you say anything negative about the org.
3. Speaking negatively of the history of other organizations, but hiding their own history. They won't include older pubs on the Watchtower Library because they know those pubs reveal their deception, false prophecy, craziness, etc. I know an elder who was warned because he was collecting and reading older JW publications.
4. Hypocrisy. They claim to be so noble with their disaster relief program, yet it's a big money-making scheme. They get free labor on the house repairs and then the insurance checks are turned over to them. They only do things that bring in money for them, yet they claim to be so loving and giving.
5. The smugness. They think they're right and everybody else is wrong, yet most JWs are severely lacking in knowledge and many, if not most, are not the sharpest tacks in the drawer. Notice the way parts for sisters are done on the Theocratic Ministry School. A JW might ask a coworker a question. Then, after the coworker answers, the JW always provides advice. The coworker is always wrong. The JW never learns anything from the coworker. JWs have all the answers. They couldn't care less what the others are saying; they just want to get to their answers, advice, counsel.
6. Meetings are boring.
7. Idolizing COs, bethelites, GB, etc.
8. Being outright wrong for over 100 years, yet expecting everybody to follow them because they're God's channel.
9. Arrogance. They won't apologize for their failures, mistakes, etc. They can lead people along for decades, and then, in two sentences in a Watchtower article, change a teaching that some have based their entire life courses on (example: "generation" teaching). They won't acknowledge that many of those people lived Spartan lives making no plans for the future. They went without medical and dental treatment. The org just says, in effect 'Oh, by the way, we've updated that teaching. Isn't that wonderful?' No acknowledgement of the ruined lives.
10. Putting so much emphasis on their fancy new headquarters, when the majority of JWs will never even lay eyes on them.
11. Concern with money.
12. Wasting time, etc. If the world really is going to end soon, and they are the ones entrusted with the responsbility to warn mankind, then they should be fired. The literature placed in the field has been filled with fluff (articles like "Let's Send a Greeting Card!"). Vast time is wasted as JWs cram into mini-vans and work the territory as inefficiently as they can so they can count time without having to work. They spend much time on breaks, during which most count time. They send out highly unqualified workers into a work that should require individuals who are bright and well-read.
13. Much more.
They believe in god.
Every single thing written above.
Phizzy and Londo beat me to it: They lie and enforce shunning.
Cofty's point is a good one, but I wouldn't really care if it weren't for the lies and the shunning that destroys families.