Hello this question is for the society. I know that practicing divination is considered evil in your religion. But what about the bible code? If you haven't read about it, it is a code found by putting hebrew text together and doing different patterns. For instance skipping every one word or every three.... What they found in the code shows that the bible actually fortold specific events.(that were named specificly) Such as certain assassinations, the hitler regime including specific names of the subjects involved,and the name of the gas used in the chambers....It has been thouroughly tested and no other hebrew writing encodes such events.So if the bible itself is an oracle in more ways than one,what is the wachtowers societies take on that. Wouldn't that change the way you guys would worship, if you realized the bible has more uses than youknew.
bible code
by apocrypha 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
YOu can find a code ont he back of cornflakes boxes if you really wanted to.
Decoded Hebrew Writing...
District Overbeer
This so called "bible code" thing while initially stirring MUCH excitement has since been debunked. The first objection is WHICH manuscript do you use, it will be different on each version. Sorry, but given enough trys I can make a "bible code" say "Paul is the Warwus, no wait, John is the Warwus."
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"] -
Ok yerusalim. (since you are the only one who had something to say worth acknowledging) The bible code only decodes the dead sea scrolls so that would mean only the original manuscript. Sorry but the new world translation and many others ahve been tampered with. Maybe you have read about Constantine I don't know. But he burned libraries and didn't really want anybody to be spiritually apt. So you can imagine how him and his fellow inquisitors might have set the scene for all facets of modern day christianity. Anyway I don't see how it has been debunked and would like to know how if it has. But to me it looks undeniable.
apocrypha: There are actually two completely different "codes" that sometimes get confused.
When people use the term "bible codes" most individuals are thinking of the much publicized and debunked issue that was raised a few years ago.
However, there are older and well established codes found in the Torah (first five books of the bible) that have been accepted for years by many of the Jewish rabbis.
As for the society accepting anything of this nature - you can forget that! I pointed out some of these Torah codes that I found interesting to my father (elder) - his comment?! "Well - if it was true then we would have heard this from the society" (hmmmm). So what happens when the society does eventually come out with new light - like the interpretation of a "generation" as it applies to the 1914 doctrine??!! Is it possible then that the society does not always have the complete and accurate truth?! That perhaps there is some information out there that has not yet come to "light" that an individual studying the bible and researching may find in advance of the society?!
If the society did not have the complete "light" about the generation doctrine 15 years ago - how can I be sure they're right now?
I don't have the quote handy, but the Awake carried an item on it (Watching the World???).
Of course they slated it out of hand.True or False?
I'm still reserving judgement on that. -
Even the Dead Sea scrolls are only copies of copies. Take the book of Isaiah for instance. For this bible code thing to work, either Isaiah himself or some later editor of various authors that wrote Isaiah would have had to write this code in. Then, the manuscript itself would have had to remain unchanged for all time. SO yes, you can find books on the web (go to Amazon) that explain why this doesn't work.
This so called "Torah" code falls into the same category, WHICH manuscript is used?
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"] -
I was reffering to the Torah. The bible code uses the universally accepted hebrew text. Which according to the books I have read hasn't been changed for hundreds of years. Even if someone did later write it in wouldn't that still have significance? Did whoever was writing it in really plan to do so, when the earlier sources weren't much different? (dead sea scrolls)
And it blatantly fortells events! If someone did consciously write it in they must had been a mathematical genius. Why would someone do something like that, is beyond me. Really when I think about it I think it would be impossible for someone to simply write it in without COMPLETELY changing the bible, which is doubtful.
This code raises a lot of questions though. Do you really think god would let satan infiltrate his own word? Or would you say that there is a new way to read the bible..... -
You are talking about the Kaballah, right?
They have temples dedicated to this sort of teaching. I, for one, would not put faith in the teachings anymore than I think that clouds shaped liked giraffes are really giraffes.