: . I know that practicing divination is considered evil in your religion. But what about the bible code? If you haven't read about it, it is a code found by putting hebrew text together and doing different patterns.
I think there might be something to it. Here are my reasons:
1) Bible-God decided in his infinite wisdom that life after Eden with humans getting old, sick, suffering, child-birth pains, "sweat of their brow" working, crappy husbands/wives, ungrateful children, serial killers, rapists, thieves, swindlers, politicians, corrupt religious leaders, and dying to name a few was just not ENOUGH punishment for Adam and Eve's screw-up.
2) God solved this by giving is the Bible, which is an incomprehensible mish-mash of garbage, mixed with a few good ideas.
3) God realized that thinking people would realize the Bible was garbage, so he "coded" it. He did this knowing that 2 1/2 millenia would pass before people could actually have computers and the ability to de-code it. By making it that complicated, he knew that hundreds-of-millions of people would die in ignorance because they were clueless about the "real" meaning of the Bible. Thus, God could punish those hundreds-of-millions of people for not knowing what he told them they should do (in code, of course).
4) People started thinking that the Bible was written in code, and when computers came along, they had the power to finally decode it. God smiled and God was pleased.
5) I actually tried it out myself and it worked: I took a random chapter from Numbers and wrote a random-number generator program. I took the trigonometric sine of the ASCII values of all English equivalents of each Hebrew letter and ignored ASCII values >80 in that book as the seed for the random number generator and saved the results. I then took the tangent of each set of two letters in my set and used ranges of tangents to determine vowels and vowel placement in the words. I then took the absolute value of the cosine of each group of five letters and this value told me where the breaks would occur between words. I was astounded at the amazing results I discovered. God truly DOES work in Bible-Code. The message I derived gave me faith in Bible-God after to many years.
It said:
"It's All Bullshit!