by snare&racket 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Out of interest, and to formulate a cordial chat, would you give your top ONE REASON for your belief or non belief?

    My foremost 'one reason' for non belief is:

    The historical evidence that provides an explination and timeline for how the modern religious doctrine's and dogma developed over time.

    Snare x

    p.s. I am truly interested in what everyones foremost one reason is and please don't write a page of reasons, for or against, we have heard them all on both sides so many times now. I am just interested in what individuals value highly when making the desicion of belief or non.

  • Vidqun

    I believe in the existence of God. Reason: Prophecy.

  • quellycatface

    Hi Snare, how are you mate?

    I believe in God because of the wonder of nature.

  • Fernando

    I believe the liberating unabridged gospel message is God's ultimate trump card for all that ails us humans,


    it addresses the highest level issues of death, enmity, bondage/control and decay

    (through the corresponding messages of salvation, at-one-ment/reconciliation, deliverance/liberation, and restoration,

    with the outcomes of eternal life, friendship/sonship, freedom, and perfect conditions).

  • snare&racket

    Hey quelly x good ta

    Really busy working as an emergency physician at the moment in the ER (A+E). It is my first job rotation so I am clocking some serious hours to gain as much experience as possible before starting here as the new doctor (end of July). Super busy but super happy too.

    Thanks for answering, interested in what others say.....

  • KateWild

    One reason I believe God is the creator is because of the chemistry of enantiomers I have other reasons too. Kate xx

    P.S. Well done on starting your job in July. I hope you get a chance to get away for a holiday in the summer xx

  • snare&racket

    Is that your top reason kate? I mentioned 'top' on purpose so that it didn't become a list of 'well that isn't my only reason....etc.' Top reason indicates that it is the rason you give most weight to.

    I say this because the formation of stereoisomers has several biotic and abiotic explinations and I am unsure why you would give that as a top reason. A quick search on the net can easily show the papers on this topic, I remember going over it in my Alevel chemistry. The problem isn't finding a theory on how it happens but proving it as it happened billions of years ago in an unconfirmed, unknown enviroment. Symmetry is everywhere in nature due to the pressures on evolving entities usually being static in an enviroment. The stereoisomer question comes down to working out how a symmetrical molecule broke in half leaving a L and mirrored R sided molecule. I understand we don't have the means to pinpoint exactly how the symetrical molecules split, but I would never pin the existence of a deity to that yet unknown answer....

    Still if that is your answer, that's cool. Look forward to your reply x

    p.s. I don't intend this to be a 'tell us your reaons' then 'atheists attack!' thread...

    I just have a little knowledge on the chemistry Kate was mentioning.

  • Syme

    Non-belief. Reason: Over 99% of the species ever existed is extinct. What does that tell you about a ''divine intelligence"? You make an ultra beautiful Creation and you lose along the way over 99% of it? That doesn't sound very intelligent to me. Every few eons a super mass exctinction takes place on Earth, destroying 70-90% of the organic population every time. Does that imply a wise ''watchmaker'' in the background? Or the blind, and impersonal, forces of nature?

  • prologos

    It is easy to con people using a Snare&Racket. but:

    It is very hard to use WORK to create something useful, grand, and we live in such a place.

    that is why am a deist, a believer in a creator, however far- he might appear to be -fetched.

  • snare&racket

    I think that was a personal snipe, but been as I don't understand it, I'll stay hush about it .....x

    Cheers prologos for the input, so I summise that you are swayed by the working universe we have around us.

    That's cool, cheers.

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