I believe in God because my prayers are consistently answered.
by snare&racket 45 Replies latest jw friends
Hi snare&racket
my one reason - that subjectivity, the belief one, involves too much fear, deference, shame and guilt. I don't like the naturalism subjectivity either because the wise reasoning mind is too much like how I used to try to emulate Jehovah.
cha ching
I believe in a "Creator" / "Inventor" of some kind... not that I believe he exists now, I don't know.
My reason? DNA.... I do not see such technically touchy things coming about by fumbling or accident.. DNA is just the beginning... Let's say "eyeball" or "feather" "heart" "Photosynthesis" "enjoyment of sex" .... So diverse, so complicated.
The need? hey, we were quite able to live as 'accidental one celled whatevers' in the ocean... Why evolve? oh, did we know we had to, to survive? hmmm, did we live long enough to evolve? Just getting one cell to exist, and then to 'divide' is quite a mathematical enigma in itself. The universe is diverse, and organized and wonderful.
cha ching - I would have asked similar questions 10 years ago before I started reading about the science and discoverd amazing answers to all of that and more.
Nature tells me it was created and nature also tells me a loving God would have it done differently...animals eating other animals in order to survive.
No one knows, people beliefs are all made up.
If there was a loving Father in the heaven he would have communicated differently with us to let us know what he wants and how it all happened.
I believe in a creator (creative force). I am sure he / she / it is different than how most people or religions depict him. I believe he made the universe and natural forces in a way that life in endless variety is able to evolve. So I believe in theistic evolution. The reason: I and all other lives or things are real. It must come from somewhere.
Is the creator "personal", is he in a loving way interested in us? After reading a lot of "near death experiences" (especially of children and people born blind) I tend to believe he is.
One reason:
For at least 100,000 years the average lifespan of humans was about 34 years, including the year 1900. A loving god? Really? Nonsense.
This world, for all of its "issues", is too beautiful- creation stuns me from the way our hair grows to sexual reproduction(we grow babies!) to the leaves on the trees to the perfection of a sand dollar.
One good reason for belief, my gut tells me that fellowship and the reaching for divinity is good for me.
One good reason for disbelief, the dearth of emperical evidence.
I believe the evidence is inconclusive. For the longest time I was ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN the evidence "proved" there is a God. The more I lived, the more I experienced, the more I looked at the evidence I already had and sought out additional evidence, the more I doubted until finally I am of the beliefs that I now possess: the evidence is inconclusive.
The funny thing about certainty in reference to belief in God is that it was never as comforting as I expected it to be. On the other hand, the belief that there is on God is not nearly as anxiety inducing as I was led to believe, in fact it's really quite calming. But again, I'm currently undecided, although I'm leaning toward atheism. It just makes more sense.