It's not ending they have decided instead to rename it and enact it in the form of a worship song more like a sing a long actually entitled "Watching the Wine and Crackers go by Tra lar." The annointed will not be allowed to sing but like the rest of Christendom will still sip and munch even though their activity remains limited by having a smaller window of opportuinity in which to do so.
Memorial to cease?
by Aroq 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I heard that--in 1989. They said that it would possibly be the last time I would see the table set up. They are saying that, when the end comes, it will cease--and the end is that close that it "should" be before the next one. Of course, it will be just as wrong as it was in 1989.
As for its ending for other reasons, I doubt they would sacrifice the one session where they can round up as many inactive jokehovians as they can without having to hunt them down to hound them back into the cancer.
Vidiot - "They die sooner or later, because they can't change. For example, the USSR could have not transitioned to multiple party system and capitalism, as it would have been the end of it. And as single-party and socialism was not possible either, then, well, it was just the end of it."
Good comparison, and 100% correct; the very nature of an authoritarian regime prevents egalitarian reform.
They can only stagnate and decline, and when they're gone, maybe be replaced by something else.
Yet another argument in favor of the "WT-is-not-log-for-this-world" hypothesis.