This week's WT study...made me so sick.....

by stuckinarut2 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FL_Panthers

    I quite enjoyed this weeks WT study

  • WTWizard

    Nothing but smut in those rags. Reality is, Jesus never existed. Except, that is, as a model of the perfect slave. And, they are trying to use psychic energy to get a messiah to show up that will lead the whole world into communism that will never end. From there, it will spread faster than light, quickly engulfing the entire universe, ensuring nowhere to escape. Existence will be being enslaved the whole time, and no one will have the chance to play or explore beyond the tiny confines of what they want you to know. Supposedly, this will come when Israel is in a war (that it provoked) and getting its butt whooped. This time, instead of the United Tyranny of Stupidity merely assisting them (and paying with an energy crisis), the messiah will ensure that thing victory. The power of the angels will lead the whole world into full communism at that time. At that time, anyone offended by "the truth" or who is stubborn to continue believing in Jesus will find out the hard way--too late.

  • nonjwspouse

    FL Panthers,

    How do you reconcile this with the century plus of this exact same preaching to people who have long since died without living thier life to the fulles, just giiing to the WT corperation and forst selling/then giving for dinations WT magazines and books D2D?

    "Soon our lives will seem to be in peril. By the climax of the great tribulation, the governmants of this world will have devastated and completely destroyed religious organizations that were larger and more numerous than ours. With our physical eyes, it will appear that we have no chance of survival. How will you react?"

    Each generation of people, througout time, have felt a sense of peril, in each country around the world. It's part of life. The key is to go on with life and life it to the fullest. Give to others, create with the mind God gave you, improve conditions somewhat for the next generations, help create good citizans, good people for the next generation in your children.

    The sense of peril not NOT new. it never will be. it is constant and to allow it to cause a person to give up on life by handing out magazines describing destruction of eceryonew except JWs is not only absurd it is self exaultation. To count those field dervice hours to be used as proof of "spiritiual standing" is self serving, not selflesss sharing. It is forced, not given out of love. This all is entirely unbiblical even according to the jw's NWT!

    How would you react FL? Would you run to the local KH to hide with your "go bag" and believe you will be saved from this imaginary immediate collapse? Seriously, you believe this would be a worldwide immediate event? Would you bring your pet? How about a disassociated family member? Would you be excited and happy so see or hear of children that are being destroyed? Are you ecited and happy now when you hear of children being killed?

    Honestly I wonder where you are in your own mind with these things.

    Sharia Law is on it's way. The US is a main target. Under Sharia law all who are not Muslim will be killed. Would you lie to try to continue "kingdom interests" under the radar? Would you deny Christ?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "Under angelic direction, Jehovahs people are conveying an important message: "fear god and give him glory because the hour of judgement by him has arrived"



    According to the recent WT video commercials for the Atlanta International Convention and other cities, Jehovah's Witnesses' message is, "Get ready for the time of your life!"

    The theme is: come join the big party-tours, dances, concerts, dining, nightlife- not that the end is imminent.

    Does WT actually believe anything it says????

  • leaving_quietly

    Par. 8(a): What is the antidote to fear of man?

    Answer: "Faith in Jehovah" (according to WT)

    Answer: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts fear out, because fear restrains us" (according to the Bible at 1 John 4:18)

    Par 12: Jehovah has instructed us to convey what important message?

    Answer: "Under angelic direction, Jehovah's people are conveying an importang message: "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of judgement by him has arrived, so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and the springs of water".

    This is completely misleading. It's not under angelic direction that JWs are to declare this. Revelation 14:6 says: "And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people. He was saying in a loud voice: “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of judgment by him has arrived, so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and the springs of water.”

    The real answer: "teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you" (Matt 28:20)

    Par 14: "We love Jehovah, and we love our neighbor. Jesus illustrated what love and mercy really mean in his parable of the neighborly Samaritan. We might ask ourselves, 'Am I, lie the Samaritan, "moved with pity" to give a witness?'"

    OMG, I can't even begin to say how completely twisted this is. Jesus was talking about helping someone who was physically in no condition to help himself, regardless of that person's race or religious beliefs. He was not talking about preaching to someone.

    Par 17,18: These two paragraphs talk about Gog and him coming against God's people. I personally do not see the connection between Ezekiel and Revelation. WT makes this connection because of the phrase "Gog and Magog" in Revelation 20:8. However, on closer inspection, we can see how far off WT is. First, Gog is NOT Satan. Notice verse 8:

    and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Ma′gog, to gather them together for the war.

    Who is "he"? In verse 7, that is identified as Satan. Who are Gog and Magog? "those nations in the four corners of the earth".

    Next, WT's timing is way, way off. Let's read Revelation 20:7,8 in their entirety:

    Now as soon as the 1,000 years have ended, Satan will be released from his prison, and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Ma′gog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea.

    Do you see it? "as soon as the 1,000 years have ended". This is not at the great tribulation.

    Finally, what would be the purpose? To destroy religion? "he will go out to mislead"

  • KateWild

    I quite enjoyed this weeks WT study-Panthers

    You are kidding me???????????????? I thought you'd left. Is it all your friends that's cauding you to stay, or do you really believe that you must preach to be saved?

    I really care about you mister

    Kate xx

  • Ding

    It's all about the GB...

  • KateWild

    It was perhaps one of the most depressing, controlling, fear-mongering, stress inducing, doctrinally incorrect, hate-inspiring, judgemental, cult-like, irrational, hyped-up, critical, crazy, stretched out, fanciful, illogical, burdensome, inflated, coersive, manipulative, and brain-snappingly weird stuff I have read for some time...-Stuck

    hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! Lovely word salad of adjectives there. Well done.

    Some JWs are real hypocrites, they don't act like Samaritans and care for others needs, nonsense! I was talking to an elder this week, and he refused to speak to me at the trolley, he told me the GB had written a letter about DF'd ones and trolley work. I think he's talking rubbish, but the point is he doesn't really care if I've lost my faith.

    Personally I think you need to get out if the CD is making you drink. You don't want it to get out of control and lose your job. Is drinking really the best solution? What do you think?

    Kate xx

  • Magnum

    "Under angelic direction, Jehovahs people are conveying an important message: "fear god and give him glory because the hour of judgement by him has arrived"

    Wow those angels must be some poor directors. Under their direction, "Jehovah's people" are standing mute by literature carts with poorly written literature that has corny pictures on the cover. They pack in mini vans and work their territory conveying their important message in the most inefficent manner. For every 10 hours reported, there are about 0.3 actual hours. They start counting time at 8:45a by reading the daily text to an unbaptized infant. They then count the time for the trip to the field service meeting place and the time spent for the meeting for service. They actually start in the territory (getting out of the mini van one at a time) at 9:45. They stop at 10:15 so they can meet at McDonald's at 10:30. They sit at McDonald's until 11:00 (still counting time). They (all in the mini van) then go do a (single) return visit on an individual who has no life other than to sit around and allow JWs to come around and drop off the latest mags. They finisth the return visit at 11:30, at which time they head back to the meeting place and arrive at 12:00. Wow! They each got 3'15" in the ministry. What a productive day.

    The far majority of the messengers can't defend their God, the Bible, or their own religion. They don't know their own history. They don't know Bible history (couldn't tell you who came first - David or Ezekiel). They don't know the history of the book called the Bible (how the various books that make it up were chosen, etc.).

    They wouldn't stand a chance reasoning with the average person on this site. They're skipping along to international conventions preparing to have 'the times of their lives' even though "the hour of judgement" has arrived. Shouldn't they be, like, marching around Jericho, or something - with serious & sober attitudes?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Jehovahs people are conveying an important message: "fear god and give him glory because the hour of judgement by him has arrived"

    Isn't this the same message every other Fundamentalist religion is proclaiming??

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