Yes, he was that radical. Im suggesting he put an end to organised religion with the prophesied destruction of Jerusalem , the Jewsish system, the old covenant and the temple in the 1st century.
Did Christ Put an End to Organised Religion
by seekchristonly 37 Replies latest watchtower bible
Jesuit Scholar
Well put. Honestly, if I were to simplify my very researched beliefs, I think, truly, that is exactly what he did.
I also believe that that was what attracted so many people to Russell, that he preached against organized religion. It had a ring of Christian "truth" to so many.
Regardless, we know what happened eventually! After Jesus' death historically the centuries since, and after Russell's demise - with regard to Jehovah's Witnesses.
Yes i agree if followers of Christ recognised what happened in the 1st century they would know the kingdom/church/truth is within each of us and we have no need of anyone to teach us anything. Because the true church cannot be seen or touched it is spiritual
Simply, yes.
Jesus was as the story goes the messiah, became the high priest, the spiritual temple, the sacrificial lamb and the mediator, so for all intent and purposes one would only need him and nothing else to get to god. We are even to pray through his name, so yes one does not need a religion.
great point craztguy. SO all visible churches'organisations/kingdoms are counterfiet to the unseen living breathing church. The veil is being lifted
Although we really cannot be sure eaxactly of the events surrounding his life, I think the message that comes through his words in the Gospels would have been taken by his humble listeners to mean exactly that, religion in the form of the Judaism of the day was not necessary.
This appealed to the ordinary Jewish man or women, the Am Haarets, but was an incendiary message as far as the religious leaders were concerned, though they despised the sons of the soil, they needed their donations and support.
Does this not remind us of the realtionship of the GB/WT leaders to the R&F JW's ?
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Interesting premise, but how do you explain his messages to the congregations in revelation then, surely if he intended there to be no organised set up, he would've just told them to pack it in and disband ? Or are they not his words?
Or are you saying that all of paul's writings where he talks about congregational procedure and requirements to be an overseer and missionary visits to congregations and what not, are just a power grab and clearly not part of the inspired scripture?
Should the bible canon stop at the end of the gospels?
Good point.They were because revelation was to the 7 churches in AisaMinor and they were told about the coming destruction of the religious age/jerusalem/the temple/ the old covenant in the 1st century and they were.
There is nothing "old" about the Jewish covenant, you have noticed there is perhaps a Synagogue or two in your city.