Did Christ Put an End to Organised Religion

by seekchristonly 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • designs

    11- 'an end' again you have noticed there are Jewish people around haven't you.

  • cassuk11

    Your point is

  • designs

    You said Jesus put an end to the Jewish covenant and to organized religion. I said- you have noticed there are Jewish people and Synagogues in your city to which you seem confused about.

  • cassuk11

    ok then shoot me down send the thought police round WOW unbeleivable , bet you cant wait to tell

  • seekchristonly

    Im not confused about it at all i did not answer you .I think the confusion is reflected in your answers. I said it was put to an end in the 1st century. Synagogues have nothing to do with the New Covenant

  • designs

    The "New Covenant" you refer to is an invention of the NT that has nothing to do with the new covenant mentioned in the Jewish Bible.

  • seekchristonly

    According to your own theory. But im not here posting about the Tanak or Torah im posting about the New Covenant from the gospels.

  • designs

    Which is essentially just poof science

  • villagegirl

    Whoa - Hey guys - what is this a male thing?

    To beat each other up ? And why do all the atheists

    appear when some says we don't even need

    physical churches or organized religions with doctrines and men in charge ?

    Yes i agree if followers of Christ recognised what happened in the 1st century they would know the kingdom/church/truth is within each of us and we have no need of anyone to teach us anything. Because the true church cannot be seen or touched it is spiritual

    seekchristonly is absolutely right. Jesus was a Jew and he stood up in a synagogue

    and said he came to set people free. The fact the Sanhedrin and High Priest had

    him killed indicated he was not a company man. He spoke about God being in you.

    He spoke about being born again, that you need to be born again to see.

    (a subject you do not see jw's talk about or even ex-jws )

    He spoke about unity in a body that was made up of

    everyone and it included himself and God and all believers

    and it was internal and unseen.

    He told the Samaritan woman that God does not dwell in Temples.

    He told the Romans "I am not from this world"

    He told his followers when they were arguing about who

    would be "the greatest" or in charge,

    that they had missed the point.

    John 4: 14 But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” 21 Jesus replied, “Believe me, dear woman, the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem

    Luke4:.....he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.
    He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
    and the regaining of sight to the blind,
    to set free those who are oppressed,

  • Finkelstein

    Another nonsensical statement from seekchristonly .

    Men created another religious belief around the worship of Christ and embellished stories to cultivate

    that inherent worship.

    JC was a practicing Rabbi who had obscure individualized teachings that separated and distinguished

    himself from those teachings.

    It was after his death that organized Christianity was built around.

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