Science proves there is a God

by seekchristonly 247 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cantleave

    Just curious - is there any one here with a simple Bachelor of Science Degree from any know University in Europe or North America ? Anyone ?

    - villagegirl

    I do- but why do you ask? The arguments by Cofty and others here demonstrate more than just a "popular mechanics" understanding of the subject. To label people a "bench of jerks" just because they disagree with ideas born out of ignorance and with no scientific basis, would indicate that you have a hell of alot growing up to do.

  • Ucantnome

    Sometimes on threads like this i get the impression that if you study science now you'll be an atheist. I find science interesting and often buy science magazines but my knowledge is small. My son has a science degree and is a Christian not many moths ago he phoned me and related a conversation he had regarding his defense of Christianity with an atheist friend. I also know someone with a phd in physics who is also i believe a Christian. I dont think necessarily that by being well educated in the sciences you will lose your love for God.

  • cofty

    Ucantnome - You are right. There are many scientists who can hold facts and reason in one part of their minds and superstition in another. None of us are entirely rational.

  • Phizzy

    The personal opinions of Scientists on matters of belief are no more important than the personal opinions of people from a non-science background.

    They are simply that, opinion, an as Cofty says , often coupled with a degree of irrationality, springing from perhaps an emotional wish that it be true, much as Mrs Phizzy wishes there really were Fairys. I've told her the Beer Fairy is real.

    Science and using the scientific method, is the best way we have of understanding Life, the Universe and Everything (thanks Douglas Adams.)

    Groundless beliefs and opinions do not get us anywhere.

  • Ucantnome

    I know with my theologian relatives they are very well read in philosophy so opinions they have probably have a good basis i think

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ cantleave

    Well said.

  • cofty

    ucant - Everybody is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions but not their own facts.

    For a solid foundation in reality we need science not philosophy.

  • DJS


    I understand your point. As I've pointed out before, I know a helluva lot about a helluva lot, but my subject matter expertise is not in the sciences. So I don't enter science discussions, out of humility and debate decorum, which indicates that if you don't know a subject stay out of it and if you do enter a debate, honor the topic - and your fellow debaters- and have a very good knowledge of it. Feelings and beliefs work in theist discussions (really, do they have anything else), but they will and should be nuked in debates about science and other topics. What someone thinks also deserves to be obliterated, as does enough knowledge to just be annoying. So many rush to find the first article which appears to support their views and never dig deeper or even try to undertand the topic from a 360 degree approach. They get exactly what they deserve.

    Having said that, it is clear that there are a number of posters who do understand a variety of scientific topics. I learn from them, which is something the theists and others lacking understanding about any topic should do. But they seemingly can't help themselves. Ego and narcissism take over and they lack the self control to avoid the keyboard.

  • Ucantnome

    I think philosophers like immanuel Kant probably had an influence on the reality of life today

  • Oubliette

    Ucantnome: I dont think necessarily that by being well educated in the sciences you will lose your love for God.

    True. One of my university science professor has a PhD in chemistry and is also a lay deacon in his church. During our classes I asked him about that. He said we should discuss it over coffee. That never happened. Maybe this summer I'll get the chance as he'll be at summer institute which I'll also be attending!

    Right now he's in Switzerland at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. I'll probably be more interested to hear what he has to say about that.

    Phizzy: I've told her the Beer Fairy is real.

    My beer fairy is real!

    my beer fairy


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