Science proves there is a God

by seekchristonly 247 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oubliette

    ADCMS: Since he can't even agree with himself, it's unreasonable to think he'll agree with anyone else either.

    Well that's the best statement I've read on this entire thread!

  • villagegirl

    Just curious - is there any one here with a simple Bachelor of Science Degree

    from any know University in Europe or North America ? Anyone ?

    Anyone at all ? Cofty ? Do you have a university science degree ?

    Or is this sort of the Popular Mechanics version of Pseudo Scientists

    discussing "books" they read or public television shows and just being

    a bunch of jerks ?


    SCO openly admits he doesn't agree with what he himself says and doesn't even know if it's true...but he'll argue his position regardless.

    Since he can't even agree with himself, it's unreasonable to think he'll agree with anyone else either.....ADCMS


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  • Comatose

    I missed this until now. It's an amazing 9 page read. Its so funny the OP and following posts were just said to be not even believed by the person who said them.... I love this stuff. Over beers or weed this would be a great fun time. Couching it in sciences clothes is plain wrong. haha

  • prologos

    SCO did not even acknowledge the non-eternal status of atoms, and cofty's indirect suggestion that the opening poster's god might be just radiation/ photons.

  • snare&racket


    sorry, you seem to be missing my reply....

    Can you give ONE example of a scientific theory with no evidence, as you claimed existed please?

    Or is this one of the things you now disagree with yourself,,because it is quite a big mistake to make. If I had thought this, I too would question science. Bit of course however you came to this conclusion, it isn't the case.

    As ridiculous as such a thread is, JW lurkers and young JW's will be reading it, our replies and explinations need to keep that in mind.

  • seekchristonly

    As i told you all.I have no knowledge of science . What i said just came to me without any study,research prior knowledge etc.So i shared it with you all. SOme of what i said i belivieve to be true or near true some of what i said before maybe not. Is truth absolute or is it evolving or cominginto recongnition of i

    SO if you are saying atoms die then does that mean atoms have been created to come into existence in the first place or Atoms cannot die because they are not living. SO if atoms are random and without orderin the universe how come they form chains to make dna . SOmething like 400 million atoms to make one single strand of DNA .SO do all those atoms have to come together randomly to form a single strand of DNA . What tells those 440 million atoms to come together to make each thing what it is .If there is no intelligence behind it why do the atoms not coem together and make sday half tree half human if you get my point or why do our eyes sit on our face and not our right arm etc etc. Also time is involved. The atoms have to come together at exactly the right time right !.

  • Comatose

    You need to read, "Your Inner Fish" By Neil Shubin. I explains all your questions in your last post.

  • Oubliette

    SCO: As i told you all.I have no knowledge of science

    That's fine. Many people are scientifically illiterate.

    But if you are, then you should not start threads that say, "Science proves there is a God."

    It's bad form to talk about things you don't know about. But then again, that's what all JWs do.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I have no knowledge of science . What i said just came to me without any study,research prior knowledge etc.So i shared it with you all. SOme of what i said i belivieve to be true or near true some of what i said before maybe not


    This statement is absurd for many reasons, but two glaring ones are:

    1. If you have no knowledge of the subject matter, how can you believe some of it may be true?

    2. Why did you immediately attack anyone who attempted to enlighten you by defending your completely ignorant position? Then you went further by labelling these same people as "know it alls". Frankly, I find that accusation hysterically laughable, considering you finally admitted you have 0% knowledge of the subject at hand.


    Have you arrived at your religious beliefs using the same methodology?


    "You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe."
    - Carl Sagan

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