Science proves there is a God

by seekchristonly 247 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cofty

    Immore thna happy to listen to other peoples theories keep them coming thankyou

    No your not. You made false accusations and personal attacks on me when I corrected you with facts.

    It's simply that i have a bad memory and soemtimes i remeber sometimes i dotn so i use two in case i forget the other

    You use both accounts within a few minuntes on three different threads. Why?

  • cassuk11

    It's got nothing to do with my grammar it's got to do with an old keyboard wearing outand i type fast and dont correct befroe sending , sometimes i do put it right.I hope you can rest easy now. Sometimes it works ok others not . Yes im a bad man for spelling something wrong. Your obsession with my two accounts is hilarious dont worry about it.

    To add of course me putting it out there is what came to me this morning, and of ocurse it may be wrong who cares and so what, is it against the law to share whats on your mind these days or are some of you conditioned into the NWO where you cant wait to shop on your neighbours and have a go at someone, while real serious shit goes on.SO if anyone shares some of their knoweldge im happy to receive it there is truth in everything right

  • prologos

    then go to 'astronomy picture of the day'

    on the primordial radiatian we all were at one time.

  • seekchristonly

    What is primordial radiation according to your own understanding

  • seekchristonly

    DO you mean the distribution of energy throughout the universe

  • seekchristonly

    Ok what are your thoughts on the Grand Unified Theory

  • Mikado

    the one thing science does NOT do is say anything about a god. That's faith, which is the polar opposite to the basic principles of science...

  • seekchristonly

    Good point but faith is the expectation of things to come and science is a faith as they try to unravel what was and what is to come

  • cofty

    I never called you names or criticised your spelling or grammar. Why do you keep making false accusations and personal comments?

    science is a faith

    Science is the exact opposite of faith. In science you get prizes for showing that its most beloved ideas are mistaken.

    I'm off for a walk in the Cheviots.

  • Mikado

    science is totally evidence based, but once it becomes based on faith, it ceases to be effective science.

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