stupid thread title
Science proves there is a God
by seekchristonly 247 Replies latest watchtower bible
Cass...... if someone walked amongst a pile of motor engineers and said "I think the future of motoring, you know the noisy thing you use spanners on in a car, well I think the future is the flux capacitor"..... they too would instantly realise that this person does not understand the basics of engineering, or the parameters of fiction and reality in engineering.
I really don't know a better way of mirroring back to you what it is like to to have a good understanding of science and read such posts as yours.
It isn't that I/we are smarter or better than you. You are ignorant of basic science information. I was also totally ignorant of the basics, right up until about 7 years ago when I got stuck into the sciences to see what was true and what wasn't. What embarassed me more was how much the JW's hold us back because most people know the basic sciences and were were raised devoid of the basic appreciation of chemistry, physics and biology.
I hope you find these books helpful if you truly want answers..
The Greatest Show On Earth
A Brief ?history of Time
Why E=MC^2
Science is not evidence based it is theory based because the theory keeps on changing so in fact it cant beevidence based jus tlike wt ideology
Thankyou i wiill do some research on those books
Don't feed it, don't make eye contact with it, don't poke it through the bars with a stick. Just walk away and feel sorry for it.
Can i suggest you turn off your playstation and try educate yourself instead of resorting to childish schoolground comments when you are unable to add anything of value nicolaou
What a shocking thread!
Science IS based on evidence. Theories can and do change depending on additional evidence.
stupid thread title
Just the title????
I don't get it. How can God, a non-physical, immaterial, spirit being (according to the Bible) and outside the scope of 'science' (defined as ' the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment'), be proven scientifically? You might as well be claiming science can prove how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. It's a non-starter.
Science proves there is a God
Faulty conjecture, science can not be used to prove faith (God), emotive theory
Its an old tried assertion made many times by religionists that based from the practical evidence
of this universe that it proves that (a) God must be the creator of this universe.