I find this so interesting since I witnessed the creation of audio/video services at headquarters. I was involved in composing music but was often given a voice in concept and production meetings. I can recall fighting for emotional content in the videos especially since my job was to enhance whatever emotional values the videos contained. The problem was that there was very little emotional content and hence a much more difficult job to provide suitable music. The whole process was counter-intuitive. My fellow composers and I would lobby sympathetic GB members like Jack Barr and highly respected overseers like Ulysses Glass to at least address the need for some emotion. For the most part the videos were dry and self-defeating.
This was back when "emotion was a tool of Christendom." The reasoning was that since Christendom didn't have "The Truth," it had to rely on emotion to retain its adherents. The organization prided itself on the intellectual content of its products.
The cloying video described in this thread is clearly the effect the absence of anything valid intellectually. The passage of time has rendered the intellectual content of bygone days, useless.