With a lack of substance, just make up emotional fluff to appeal to vulnerable people's hearts!
Resurrection talk at convention
by innerpeace 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Innerpeace - Please don't think that's a new move by the Borg, I'm a born in and will be 57 this year, that's just a rerun, basically all they have to do is open the file drawer from forty, or much more than that years and just send the script to the next cult blind buffoon who has that part on the program.
So that's what's got my mother going. She was at her International convention last week, which she gushed was a lovely, encouraging week. She snapped, if I have any faith AT ALL I would know that we'll see him (my deceased father) again! She came back pretty wound up.
For those that question if the Governing Body is evil......if they know what they are doing..........this thread should answer that.
Enjoying everyone's comments. I know it's nothing new for them to use emotional manipulation since I was brought up in it, just noticed how family was talking about this and the convention itself. Love that quote too DNCall, today's fare requires turning up the violins. Great stuff.
*** w89 5/1 p. 5 Babylon the Great—Fallen and Judged ***
religion still seems to prosper in the United States, where a more emotional sector of the populace is exploited by TV evangelists and religious psychologists.*** w67 1/1 p. 20 par. 30 Modern Unwillingness to Hear God’s Message Leads to Calamity ***
‘The Billy Graham type of evangelism is not the kind we need in these trying times. We need an intellectual, thoughtful approach—not bursts of emotionalism.’Splash
Will all their clothing be resurrected? The thought of all these naked people running about trying to find a pair of pants is toooooooo much!!!!!???!
As it turns out most of it was pseudo-intellectual, but at least it wasn't the vapid fare that's served up today. Today's fare requires turning up the violins.
I would certainly agree with DNcall on that .. As a recipient of this stuff I see it, and I hear the comments of the older ones who cut their teeth (sometimes literally!) on the heavy study books of old. Nowadays it is just baby stuff that is intended to appeal to the uneducated, the immigrants with poor English, or the simple minded. Even The NWT Bible has been "simplified" and lost it's authority . It is now just a popular paraphrase Bible IMHO.
I hope that I do not catch this part of the programme, hopefully it is too early since we are a distance away and will not make the start - when I take Sis Blues in August
The talk / video is pure emotional manipulation.
Agreed. I just saw the video (thanks sir82 - I think?). I saw myself as that daughter. Lived through it. Years later, I still have imaginary conversations with my mother. Even though I knew what they were doing, I wasn't prepared for all the feelings of grief that short video suddenly churned up. Had to take a moment then watch the rest with the music muted ('He Will Call' orchestral version for maximum heart-tugging effect). I'm p'd off at them for pulling a stunt like that - especially because of how it will catch a lot of vulnerable JWs sitting in the audience, in public.
Resurrected (pun!) this thread because the London Assembly was this weekend. We did not make that part of it but I am hearing from those who did that this induced tears and weeping from those who have lost loved ones.
I know of two "sisters" who heartily wished they had never gone, they were so upset, having had a bereavement in recent times, and this from jwtalk:
The sister in front off me couldn't watch it she put her fingers in her ears and her head down, her husband put his arm around her but she still cried... Just so much raw emotion...
Are they now using their tech skills to appeal to the basic emotions of the sad and lonely? It seems so. Is it going the way of "electric church" evangelisers ?
I deplore it.