I wonder if fraud charges can be lodged against the WT Corporation and its pleas for money all out into the open like that. Perhaps a few well placed phone calls to WT contribution taking headquarters asking some probing questions might get them for fraud outright especially with this audit comming up. And I shudder to think about a whistle blower working in accounting over there a couple of miles from Ground Zero. Maybe even some well placed questions about thier stand on "Transparency Policies" as a concerned caller you have every right to ask these types of questions before you give to a charity. Questions like where is my money going? Have they implemented whistleblower policies yet or are they holding off on that one? And many more good questions professionally done can bring all sorts of violations to light. Hey those would make for some very interesting recordings, which I'm sure since they are a charity they don't have to be told that they are being recorded and can still be used as evidence in many states.