Protect the elderly

by defender of truth 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    At our midweek meeting, the service overseer told us he had made a list of every home in our territories, and would be contacting them all shortly. Expect to see your elderly relatives being read to from the Bible book of horror stories, then taken back to their rooms for private discussions of doctrine, very soon. Don't say you weren't warned.

  • bigmac

    my jw dad is in a care home--the local elders havent been near him in months---only a 90 year old sis he met 40 years ago--she lives nearby. they cant get any cash out of him--ive got legal power of attorney--and handle all his finances. so they would have to come to me for a handout. i cant wait !

  • cultBgone

    As usual they are following the money trail. Would anyone here care to write up a letter template so more on the boards could post letters to the local facilities? That would be a real help as many might like to help but don't always have the words to put on paper.

    Just a thought, now off to work. Happy Friday everyone.

  • Heaven

    dby said: I heard somewhere??... The Borg would love to invest in Homecare facilities

    Hey dby, welcome to JWN. My financial advisor several years ago told me this would be a good investment as well. There is going to be a huge need as the industrialized countries' 'baby boomers' are aging. The silver tsunami is rapidly approaching.

  • dby

    Thanks for the welcome. Every one needs to consider as we age to NEVER get sucked into those places.

    80 bucks for a shower? Isn't that a human right to be clean, drink water...breath, eat? The borganazation knows it would make out like the bandits they are from free bethal caregivers to work while they collect on our elderly from the state or some other welfare medicare program. It works like foster care for children. They could.... collect $ from government agnecies and call it charity or just get a fab return in several ways.


  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    [ROUGH template for a letter or email, suggestions/additions welcome..]

    For the attention of the director of this establishment:

    Out of concern for the welfare of the elderly in our area, I just wanted to inform you of an upcoming campaign, in which Jehovahs Witnesses will be meeting with you to arrange a group Bible discussion in your (nursing home or regional variation). They will try to tell you that this is merely a discussion and not a religious service, but questions and debates will not be allowed, and they will attempt to get the person on their own to answer questions.

    They will not be merely reading from the Bible to your elderly ones and allowing them to talk about different understandings of the text, which could be a fine way to encourage actual discussion, the Witnesses will use one of their publications, which ultimately focus on guilt, control, and what we need to do in order not to be destroyed by God.

    They teach that anyone who refuses to change their beliefs and fails to join their group will be killed at Armageddon (although they will avoid this if questioned), due to happen any day now, which instills fear in people to obey or face death for disobedience.

    They instruct even family members to have nothing to do with those who leave the group due to simply disagreeing with a teaching, and not to speak to them unless they absolutely have to.
    Also, denying even life-saving blood transfusions is taught to be compulsory to join the group and avoid destruction by God, even in the case of children.

    While I of course respect everyones right to choose their own religious beliefs, and your right to decide what is best for the elderly in your care, please think carefully before allowing the Jehovahs Witnesses to form what is, underneath the veneer of a 'discussion', a regular preaching and disciple-making activity in your home.
    These people are not as harmless as they seem, their goal is not to talk about the Bible, it is to draw potential converts in with promises of a paradise world, just as long as you agree with their doctrines and join their organisation. Otherwise you will be destroyed.

    This theme is repeated often, though subtly and in a way that is difficult to see at first, throughout their publications.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.
    If you would like any further information, feel free to contact me at: **** or take a quick look at any of the following websites..
    *(insert well presented non sensational website here)

    Yours sincerely,

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    ^^ Anyone can use this template without asking my permission, just to be clear.
    A quick google search will tell you where your nearest care homes are.. Please consider doing this.

    Oh, and you may want to change 'elderly in our area' to 'the elderly and vulnerable in our local care homes'.

    Post here if you get any response?

  • Angus Beef
    Angus Beef

    in my experience, nursing homes rarely let church groups proselytize. most are choir groups to sing to residents or children groups coming in to visit etc. There's always an assorted church group that visits. If there's a resident that has a family "preacher" they will visit that resident. But to have a group come in for bible studies, from who I know that has been an administator at health care facilities, they just don't allow it. It can upset families who are not of that faith. but children singing, piano playing, sing-a-longs, christmas programs etc, they don't mind. Call and ask a nursing home if you can do a bible study in the dining room after lunch and see what responce you will get, probably a big no.

    I hope this is an epic fail for most who try.

  • insidetheKH

    overhere they already have group sessions with elderly people in local care/nursing homes. Most of the time only biblestories are read aloud and a bible trivia is being done

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    How widespread is it, would you say, in your country?

    And yes, that is how it STARTS, according to the KM.
    Innocuous bible reading, my book of bible stories perhaps, then if someone has questions they are told to arrange a seperate individual Bible Study to answer them..away from the group.
    Some in our KH were talking about maybe holding studies with people in their rooms. Even if it was all done publicly, there will be plenty of elderly ones without clear thinking abilities who can be 'encouraged' to come to meetings, 'do more' and so on.
    The KM stated that one group had 20 people, and 1 got baptised, with 6 of them having Studies! That's roughly a third of that particular group of vulnerable people who were brainwashed, and one converted, because of something that likely started with bible stories and trivia.
    Ok, I give up. Nobody gives a damn, I get it..

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