Protect the elderly

by defender of truth 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sheri

    I need scan of the pages regarding nursing home territory from KM as I can not open the link above when it reqeust login I does not work for me can someone please scan and post on here. I am going to visit Mother in nursing home (in another state) in two weeks and I would like to read this first as I plan on meeting with the manager and give him a heads up on this plan.

    Thank you

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    I can't scan, sorry. This is from the UK kingdom ministry. I think they already do it in the states?
    (ask poster from page 1, he mentioned 'over here')

  • Angus Beef
    Angus Beef

    DOT, I'm glad you're bringing this out, I haven't seen a KM in 6 to 8 months.

  • defender of truth
  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    This is one of those projects that look good on paper, a troubling issue that bugs the consciences of real Christians who actually care! You all remember how uncomfortable it was to get your Book Study Group to include the modern type of weak publishers "sinners, harlots and tax-collectors" type, or the Single Parent Mothers with their kids to our Incredible Back Slapping Circuit Overseer Feasts? The Pious don't like weak and infrequent Meeting Attenders to ruin their Elder and Pioneer Love Feasts!

    We can ignore this KM, it's one of the areas were allowed to disregard because Rest Homes don't have productive producers and bring the "Kingdom Hall" Hourly-Average down below the Mighty National-Average if we include them in our Hall. That's why it's highly recommend to wait for another Group to check on the Elderly in the Rest Home because their a uncomfortable reminder we probably won't see the New System in our life.

    Let's pass on this, just let it pass please!

  • smiddy

    I personally know of a person who was wrongly disfellowshipped by a congregation , and they admitted it .and is now caring for his aged mother a JW in his own home , while his brother in law , an elder is only a few kilometers away , and has no contact with his mother or his brother in law.

    What the witnesses say and what the witnesses practice are two diametrical procedures .


  • Heaven

    smiddy said: What the witnesses say and what the witnesses practice are two diametrical procedures .

    Very true smiddy. At my Dad's nursing home, I see no witnessing going on. There are JWs in his home (there are at least 2 I know of). It's a useless endeavour if the real goal is recruitment to get more workers to recruit others. The majority of Seniors in nursing homes are unable to do this. If they are looking for seniors to sign over their estates, again, I would have to go with 'useless endeavour' as most Seniors will have POAs (Power of Attorneys) already in place.

    I have pointed out to a number of people including Witnesses I know that this religion cult is a performance based organization. Field Serve-Us is mandatory. There is a whole segment of society that is incapable of performing this Serve-Us activity.

    Which just goes to show that once again, the claims I was told as a kid about everyone having the chance to be a JW, are 100% false.

  • bigmac

    defender of truth:

    do i take it your in the UK ?

    I give up. Nobody gives a damn, I get it..

    will you stop throwing your toys out of the pram ?? its annoying---give others to time to read your postings and consider their response.

    just behave yourself--your not throwing your weight round in a kingdom hall now.

  • zeb

    Wt nursing homes.

    Thats a contradiction in terms. They would be in it for the $$. The folks in such places need TLC in their final years and to be empowered in little ways as a form of kindness and respect.

    Who would the borg get to work in NH? JW's ? Cleaning up shit, splattered food, changing incontinent people. Sitting with the dying dealing with their relatives.

    being paid the lowest rates in the land. and..... . . and.... missing meetings as the shifts cross the needs of the patients.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Bigmac, no toy throwing involved here. If you read the responses, the overall tone is 'not gonna happen' or 'I'm not worried'. That is what I was talking about, not the lack of posts. I guess it's no big deal, maybe I just care about elderly people and got a bit overhyped.
    I mean come on, I even wrote a letter and posted it as a template for others, not even one person has commented on it or thought it a good idea. Nothing I do makes any difference, but that's fine. Sorry to have annoyed you. Yeah, UK.

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