Order of Importance: WT over the Bible

by Jourles 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hyghlandyr

    Ok I forget what kind of Falacious arguement this is. But it boils down to not providing all of the facts.

    If you have been in New York City, and been at that location, you know that the sign "Read Gods Word the Bible Daily" is displayed at the best vantage point for those on the highway. They cannot be craning their necks up to see the watchtower sign. But can see the bible sign clearly and easily. I know I've been there.

    A picture displayed from one angle like that is very misleading..

    As I said in another post recently ex witnesses use the same tactics as the active witnesses. One of those tactics is misleading information.

    Further assuming it was on top, does not mean it is more or less important than another. That is a pentacostal arguement I heard for years. The bible couldnt go on the floor. Then it couldnt be under anything. Even if it is inspired from god, do we have to go to such silly extremes?

  • Hyghlandyr

    Mike Musto

    Exactly, they are making SOMETHING, out of NOTHING.

    They are nothingists and dont even know it. I hereby ordain you all into my religion as unpriests.

  • MikeMusto

    do I get a cool dress as an underpriest??
    cuz if i do, stay out of my way

  • Kenneson

    I have in my possession a postcard which definitely highlights
    THE WATCHTOWER in apposition to the rest of the words,
    including Bible. Nothing out of something? Maybe not.

  • Hyghlandyr

    Yes it is something out of nothing.

    Why? Because the inference is that somehow by the position of those signs, they demonstrate their lack of appreciation of the bible. But the angle the picture is taken at tells only part of the story. The Read Gods Word The bible sign was placed so that it could be seen from the traffic. So that cars would see it ....hundreds of thousands daily probably, as they drove into the city. This was point out by both myself and Mike Musto.

    If you are really trying to "get something on the watchtower" then get something real and dont waste your time whining about every little thing that they do, especially those things that are not bad. We can disagree with them on things that are truly disagreeable and not act like children in regards to every tiny nuance.

    You are like children in the marketplace. We played and you did not dance for us. We mourned and you did not weep.

  • Kenneson

    I'm not speaking about the angle or position of the signs.
    I'm speaking of the size of the letters: THE WATCHTOWER
    as compared to the rest of the words.

  • Hyghlandyr

    The size of the letters isnt the point. The letters are perfectly designed to be seen easily from the bridge. Make them too large and the message cannot be read by the passing motorist. I have been there and seen them. It gets the msg across perfectly.

  • SPAZnik

    Hyghlandyr said
    (after many convincing points that definitely win this round):

    If you are really trying to "get something on the watchtower" then get something real and dont waste your time whining about every little thing that they do, especially those things that are not bad. We can disagree with them on things that are truly disagreeable and not act like children in regards to every tiny nuance.

    oh and i can definitely vouch that Size has little or nothing to do wit it.



  • Kenneson

    Well, if size has nothing to do with it, why don't they replace the sign
    to have the words THE BIBLE stand out? As is, the words THE WATCHTOWER are predominant.

  • MikeMusto

    This hollywood insider thinks that a sign that says

    "THE BIBLE" would just be plain stupid..can we move on??

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