Order of Importance: WT over the Bible

by Jourles 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • MikeMusto



    There is a big sign that "Says..Read Gods word Daily"
    no "Read .The Watchower Daily"

    Although I prefer "Read the Village Voice Daily"

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    I wonder what percentage of rank-and-file JWs actually read the Bible daily or for that matter even read the Watchtower much before Sunday a.m. when they tear the magazine out of its wrapper on the way to the Kingdom Hall.

    So many of the rituals of a JW's weekly routine amount to an empty charade. Everybody dawdles in field service, nobody prepares for the meetings or touches the Bible between meetings.

  • MikeMusto

    True 215,

    However the WTS has told the witnesses that they should
    read the bible , giving them a shed...etc ...etc..etc..like king david

  • Hyghlandyr

    Kenneson show me where I used an ad hominem.

    I stated simply:

    1....The Read the Bible Daily sign is meant to be seen from the road.

    2...It is not mean to be seen from the angle of the picture.

    3...The photo uses a photographic technique to make one thing appear larger than another.

    4...This photo in no way has anything to do with the Society's view of the bible vs the watchtower.

    5...Let's complain about real issues, not just go gunnin for anything to disagree with.

    6...Let's agree with what we truly agree with.

    Then my comments to you were that we had already had enough people state the true nature of the sign and the misleading nature of the photo. That you needed to go to new york and see the sign for yourself.

    Now show me my ad hominems here you dipshit.

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