Question About the Governing Body

by Wild_Thing 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wild_Thing

    Does anyone know if any of the current Governing Body members became a JW as an adult, or were all of them raised and bred a JW from childhood?

    I have a theory that the JWs that are "born in" and stay in tend to be more extreme and less reasonable because that is all they have ever known, especially if they are sheltered and groomed to be a good little JW.

    And I was just looking at what I could find about the newest and youngest member, Mark Sanderson. He was born on February 4, 1965, and he was baptized on February 9, 1975 ... a few days shy of turning 10 years old! It sounds like he was groomed from an early age to be a fanatic.

  • Magnum

    I think Anthony Morris came in as an adult. Isn't he supposedly a war veteran?

  • clarity

    Interesting question! I'd like to know that too,

    as well as each member's education level!

  • Oubliette

    It is very telling that it is extremely difficult to find out even basic information about any of the men that lead this 7 million member organization.

    Why is that? I think the answer is obvious. The WTBTS doesn't want us to know because then we'd realize how exceptionally unqualified these men are to lead anything.

  • insidetheKH

    Gerrit Loesch was not a born in , he was a Roman Catholic.



    WBT$ GB Anthony Morris was in Veitnam..

    He mentions it everytime I`ve heard him talk..


    ........................................................................I was in Veitnam!..

    .................................................People got Blowed Up and Fried like Hot Dogs!!..

    ....................................................That`s what Armageddons going to be Like..

    ...........................................................I Know,Because I Was In Veitnam!!..


    ............................................................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Apognophos

    Dunno, I think many converts are more zealous than many born-ins. It's just down to each JW's personality.

  • Wild_Thing

    Yes, I would like a detailed background one each member of the GB. The rank and file deserve to know.

    So at least two of members converted ... Morris and Loesch. Do the two of them seem less extreme than the rest? More reasonable?

  • Apognophos

    Morris and Loesch are famously hardcore. Morris likes to go on about how graphically violent Armageddon will be (and he definitely expects tight-pants designers to be among the dead), and Loesch has compared higher education to putting a loaded gun to your head.

  • Wild_Thing

    Wow. Just wow. Well, that blows my theory out of the water!

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