Accusing Ex-JWs of Behaving Like JWs Should be Taboo

by cofty 447 Replies latest members private

  • talesin

    PS. It was a topic with the dearest person, and strong ... STRONG woman, Kate Wild, that got me thinking along these lines.

    Is it really "good" that ex-JW women look to ex-elders for advice and guidance? Saying "you're like a father who disciplines me" ??

    This is not as personal as some of you think .... we do not need to create counselling relationships here on the board, that are directed by someone being an elder. It's an issue, and needs to be addressed.

    We have MANY elders ........ they are not all men, nor are they all women, nor educated, nor ever elders! Some of them were, YES, but we are all the same now.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    flying High: yes it was the Tabu commercial. ( Which made me chuckle too)

    talesin ; have you seen the film " The graduate?" Why you ask? because you wrote." To all the women who are secretly applading ( and those who are NOT, and still like to be coincelled by men) I salute you.

    Well in this film The Graduate, played by Dustin Hoffmam,he assumes command over the woman " Katharine Ross" who says " Why dont you drag me off" . And this is how the film ends ,it is the man who wins the woman by being in total command.....( trouble with these films is they end with out knowing how the marriage will survive)

  • KateWild


  • talesin




    james brown

    flyin high now

    billy the bethelite


    country woman

    and yes, Cofty and Obliette.

    And every damned one, hell, we are all ex-JW, and we each have our own special knowledge of the b'Org and how we were abused by it.

    We are ALL contributors, we are ALL equal. That is all.


    (peace. love and happiness JL 1940-80 rip)

  • talesin

    new hope

    Wow, I never thought of it that way!

    I don't get it? He is in the choir loft, pounding the window and begging for her not to get marriedf? How is he in control? Is it a translation problem, or did we just see it differently, hmm.


  • cofty

    talesin - you are always twisting things into a battle of the sexes.

    When it comes to considering the validity of what somebody is saying I never even think about their sex.

    Jgnat makes me stop and think more often than most.

  • talesin

    And yes, Cofty, I have openly criticized your style.

    Would you prefer me to be an 'elderette', and talk about you behind your back?

    You see, this is the type of behaviour I question. I am honest in my critique. A Jehovah's Witness would talk behind your back.



  • talesin

    Yup, selective quoting .......... nice job, sir!

    Why don't you just cool your jets and put your testosterone on hold for a bit, sweetie.

    Time for my nap.

  • cofty

    No I would prefer you to get over the whole JW-ex-JW nonsense and just deal with people objectively.

    I don't care if you are male of female, a JW or an ex-JW an ex-elder or ex-GB

    I only care about the things you say and do now in real time. I would not presume to analyse your psychology.

    put your testosterone on hold for a bit, sweetie.

    How can you ever criticise any man who demeans a woman because of her sex?

  • talesin

    I'm sorry, foks, easy target...........

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