I just got back from the district convention and watched the new video. Can't remember what it is called but the main family live in a million dollar home and there teenage daughter drives a red convertable sports car. Probably worth about 50000$. I don't know any jehovahs witnesses that can afford to live like this.
New video release at district convention. Do Jws live like this?
by solomon 44 Replies latest watchtower bible
It's likely a subtle warning at not living like that and the "problems" that results.
Quit your job and pioneer! Sell that house and car, donate the proceeds so that the new HQ can have an Olympic-sized swimming pool.
Need a little more detail on that one. Like Londo says, probably the BAD JWs who got caught up in material pursuits.
They can't be saying those are the "good JWs" right?
Yes, yes they do. My parents were rich. We had three homes, I got any car of my choice at 16. I had a personal trainer, a private pool to myself and actually spent my vacations anywhere I wanted from our private jet. Didn't everyone? I thought it was the normal... now I am confused.
in one scene they are going out door to door in a RICH neighbourhood. Huge houses on very large properties. And the father of the family is an engineer. Doesn't tha require a college degree? The mom is also some kind of professional And she works full time.
Perhaps mainstreaming upwards?
They are 100% attempting to alter their image of being anti-education, but only so far as to have a few examples to point to when critisised, such as a few healf hearted articles and a video such as this. For the non JW complainer or enquirer, there is enough to dismiss the issue by having such examples, all the while allowing the rank and file know nothing REALLY has changed.
there is nothing wrong with being a millionaire, i know several of them in my congregation and circuit
I watched this video with total amazement. The story gave the impression that the parents, particularly the father, were long term JWs (possibly born ins) and not newly converted.Therefore, how did they manage a millionaire's lifestyle on a window washer and office cleaner's pay? I would sincerely like to ask the GB to answer this question for me as a former obedient sister who sacrificed a career for them and am now surviving on a basic state pension, all so that I could spend the best years of my youth peddling WT literature from door to door as required.
So, there is nothing wrong with being a millionaire rank and file J W? Please explain how this can be true unless there are rules for some and not for others.
Ahh maybe their fortunes were inherited I hear you cry! Well surely a true Christian should live a modest lifestyle and all excess money donated to the World Wide Funds?
Look at all of their pictures in the magazies, and publications. Look at the house in the "Prodigal" DVD. Expensive, suburban homes. The image they like to project is one of wealth, but we all know that if one follows the WT "suggestions" about higher education, career etc. the results would be far more humble to say the least. Hypocrites through and through. The scum of the earth.