Real-time reactions....
What does the widow's mite have to do with turning in field service time????
No one sees my report except the elders, so how in the world would the congregation be affected if I don't turn mine in?
Stuck on the two coins, huh?
Why does the faithful slave accept 15 minutes? That's the crux of the matter, right? Who is accepting the "time"?
Oh, wow... they pulled the main apostate question out only 10 minutes in. Wow.
Twisting the "mother" and "father" stuff. Ugh.
"Loyalty to Jehovah's organization." Yup. It's all about that.
"Increase your service, you increase your joy." Hmm.
"He [Jehovah] needs your time."
"How are you going to have faith in Jesus if you aren't doing what his brothers ask you to do?... They get their direction from Jehovah and Jesus." Really? Flip-flopping doctrines?
"It's not a measure of who's doing what. If that's the case we'd have publisher-of-the-month. We would announce this stuff." Ummm... can anyone say: Pioneer? or Auxiliary Pioneer? And we DO announce them!!!!
"It gives us a feel for how you're doing, where your heart is, where your struggles are."
Elder 2: "You're a family member... you can't get rid of those." Elder 1: "I'll beat my dad in the head." (What was THAT comment about???)
"Be careful how you feel... we don't have to feel." Huh?
Pornography is normal, but turning in time is not? Turning in time is worse than pornography??!?!?!? What???
Apostates = "modern thinkers" Funny!
Wow, the double-speak is incredible. You're not out of line for thinking it, but you are for acting on it.
"We shouldn't think." Hahahahaha!!!!
99% of it is right? What about that illustration of one drop of poison in a glass of water?
I noted not a single scripture was read when "counseling" you. Of course, you noted that, too.