I now believe the bible is a book of history and myths. The org and others still point to certain prophecys that lead them to believe, that God must have been involved. How can we explain some of these? venting.
What prophecys made you belive the Bible?
by venting 24 Replies latest jw friends
new hope and happiness
for instance?
Isaiah and Daniel regarding Jesus, then I studied the Jewish perspective and had to change my mind.
Rev. 11:18 ""-- will destroy those destroying the earth--"" hopefully before they get too far, but then I realized that the book also has talking snakes, taken seriously, even bigger snakes in the final chapters---
Did they ever make a different, alternate ending to the " Dr Strangelove" film where:
1) the chute on the bomb deploys, the bomb fizzles and the cowpoke lands savely, the russian doomsday device is not triggered, and they lived ever happy after? or:
2) god interferes and they lived FOREVER happy after in panda petting -paradise?
The bible can be seen a an historical testimony of what happened culminating in the destruction of jerusalem, the temple and the old covenants in the 1st century
Revelation uses hyperbole,symbolic metaphors and not literal. Most of the book is taken form the old testamant prohpets like ezekiel, isasiah etc. That language was always used to describe events in that way. Ezekiel used the termend of the world oftenbut it was to describe the end of an event in that time period .SO revelation describes the culmination of the end of the jewish system in the 1st century andw as written specifically to the the seven churches in Asia Minor. The destruction of Jerusalem, the temple and covenants in the 1st century. So sinc ethen The KIngdom is within us, without any physical representations. Beleivers live in the spirit and not by things seen anyomore
11- you're off your meds again aren't you.....
I have had the same experience as you in finding out that the Jewish understanding of what Christians call messianic prophecies about Jesus do NOT apply to Jesus at all. When you consider the Hebrew Scriptures without the Christian Scriptures you see what the true understanding of those prophecies, like Isaiah 53 REALLY mean. The Christian Scriptures were created and construed to try to give the impression that Jesus fulfilled Messianic prophecies when in fact he didn't.
No wonder my relatives never accepted Jesus!
I believed in the prophecies about the destruction of Tyre and Babylon in Isaiah and Daniel (?).
And the prophecies about the last days seem to fit and be fulfilled in our day.
There are no more types and shadows it was all fulfilled in the 1st century. Messiah , the apostles and beleivers all expected the end in their generation and it
The regathering and rejoining of Israel. Seems very unlikely it would have been possible that they would get their country back after almost 2,000 years of wandering the world.