Both of my grandfathers were fundamentalist country preachers, uneducated but very good, decent, hardworking people. It never occurred to me NOT to believe every word in the Bible. It is only post-JW that I have doubts and conflicts about anything Biblical. Bill Maher is my current "religulous" instructor.
What prophecys made you belive the Bible?
by venting 24 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, exactly. I doubt there are many JW converts who didn't accept the Bible as God's word beforehand. It's a real boon to JWs preaching in the South that people have this pre-existing belief that JWs can build a foundation on.
What all biblical prophecies have common? Non of them ever came true. What you other argue here with proven prophecies are often not even related what OT & NT said. You mentioned destruction of Jewish system in 70AD. Not really, it was only punishment of the rebellious Roman province. Jews who majority lived at that time outside Judea in cities like Alexandria have NOT faces any punishment for rebellion in Judea. Jews who lived scattered among two biggest empire of the antiquity, Roman and Persian empire, were not EVEN aware that Messiah had been declared in their ancestral country. And so on can be analyzed any prophecy in the Bible. Some of them are so vague like:
19 I will put in the desert
the cedar and the acacia, the myrtle and the olive.
I will set junipers in the wasteland,
the fir and the cypress together,
20 so that people may see and know,
may consider and understand,
that the hand of the Lord has done this,
that the Holy One of Israel has created it.[Isaiah 41:19-20]
Are you really think this is really prophecy that mention tree growing in Levant as a proof? Who think this is a prophecy about future? Either way, I do not hang up much on prophecies that are product of a wild imagination like of that John of Patmos. Do other are aware that Romans had extensive prophetic schools, so did Greeks. Some of these Greeco-Roman prohecies became true, like every clock is correct twice in day.
I was a 19 year old ignorant of what the bible actually said , however was brought up to beleive the bible was Gods word from an early age even though it was a mystery to me .
And so when someone came along and seemingly opened up this mystery to me I eagerly accepted what they were telling me.
The paradise book was so simplistic yet seemed so logical , however the green book of daniel was the clincher "Your Will Be Done On Earth "
33 years later I exited.
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