If you were on your death bed, what is the ONE thing you would say you have learnt ?

by new hope and happiness 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I think i would say " you can not change others you can only change your self"

    If you cant think of anything what is the next number in this sequence?



    C= ?

    What Do these sums have in common?

    879 + 339=

    531 + 117 =

    864 x = 1, 147.

  • happy@last

    Believe nothing that you are told and half of what you see.

  • DesirousOfChange

    There ain't no free lunch.

    And, if you can't afford to pay for it, you're gonna go hungry. No one is going to give you anything.

    Get an education that will allow you to get a career that pays you well.


  • James Brown
    James Brown

    When someone says/writes learnt they are from england, or at least not from the USA.

    When someone says writes learned they are from the USA.

  • skeeter1

    Never put your faith into a person or group who claims to know all the answers.

  • nugget

    Life is a lot shorter than you think, live it.

  • minimus

    Don't believe the hype And don't follow the crowd.

  • jam

    Don't procrastinate, enjoy each day because when you are on

    your death bed all you have is memories, hopefully they are good

    memories that brings a smile on your face with your last breath.

  • Crazyguy

    God is dead long live the king.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Always ask yourself, "How do I know what I know?"

    Most important question a person can ask themself.

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