If you were on your death bed, what is the ONE thing you would say you have learnt ?

by new hope and happiness 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewYork44M

    It doesn't matter - we all die. In the mean time do something.

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge

    I would call my brother closer to me, put my hand on his head and say "Last Tag" and then die.....

  • free2beme

    That you should never assume anything

  • scary21

    My aunts last words were................I'm a gonener ....she was the coolest person....

    I would say...read books, and floss your teeth ... bye bye

  • Mum

    Always have a Plan B, as matters rarely work out as planned. Know when to let go.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Stan Laurel:- to his nurse " Id rather be sking than doing this"

    Nurse: " I didn't know you skied Mr Laurel"

    Stan: " I dont"

    Back to my second sum, if 2 posters ask for the answer i will give it, better still can a poster answer the sum?

  • Fernando

    I am grateful to have learnt much about the liberating gospel of grace and its nemesis religion (legalism, moralism and ethnocentrism).

  • Mikado

    my motto...

    I'm the hero of this story. I don't need to be saved.

    never give up.

  • phats

    I had this very conversation with an Elder that I went to see in a hospice who I new very well (blood relative).

    He said to me these few things.

    He wished he had not worried about all the silly things that he was told he must worry about.

    He wished he did more of the things he wanted to do rather than the things he was told to do.

    He wished he had followed his own mind rather than the mind he was told to follow.

    He was a good man & 3 days later, he was dead...

  • SuperBoy

    Do it now.

    Don't put it off. Don't wait for the 'perfect conditions'.

    You've got one life to live, and live it now!

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