..A New TV Show About exJW`s??!!..

by OUTLAW 54 Replies latest social entertainment




    Theres more than Just Six Screens..

    I`m Waiting on Confirmation of More Info..



    ....... More WBT$ PR Problems!!..


    ............................................................................................................................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • dby

    I think it would be a reality check for all intended purposes. The Pedifiles, the lies, the shunning, the contradictions and the watchtower quotes....Let's see the watchtower defend itself since it does so poorly anyway, or even defending Jehovah.... and let the REAL "new light" shine. Let TTATT say it. Marc and Cora would love it!!!!!!!! Let Eric re-run the tapes. Bring on John ceders and his fabulous vids

    BRING IT!!!!

    That show would last 100 years

    season 1,2,3,4 and on

  • steve2

    If it is bona fide and gets funding, I hope it focuses on positive outcomes for those who leave.

    There remains in the organization an entrenched notion that ex-JWs play the victim card and arecomplaint-driven.

    Sure, those aspects need to be articulated where relevant, but there are so many success stories of how ex-JWs have rebuilt their lives and lead productive lives.

  • Apognophos

    I don't actually know anything about The Six Screens personally, but based on the reputation he has around here, I would also suggest that those of you who have better knowledge of the site email the producer and let her know that Fearon (as well as any other ex-JW who espouses weird conspiracy theories) is not a good representative for the subject. Let her know that there are some kooks out there that are not good for the cause.

  • Iamallcool
  • Wild_Thing

    Assuming this is legit, I don't think TLC will care about our cause or presenting ex-JWs in a normal, positive light. TV shows like TLC produces, thrive on sensationalism. They will find the craziest crazies, follow them around with a camera for a day or two, and everyone will watch it, not because it is a success story, but because it is so RIDICULOUS! And the world will think this is what all ex-JWs are like.

    This is my biggest fear.

  • skeeter1

    The world is dealing with religious extremists. Both the JWs and Islam share alot of similarities. They both follow the BITE model of a high control religion. While we may think that Islamic terrorists are extreme, we would really welcome a show about an Islamic terrorist who reformed. Most worldly people have a view of JWs as being strange folks, but most seem intersted to talk with me about my experience within the JWs and leaving. When I've spoken publicly, I get held afterwords for about an hour to field people's questions. So, don't look at the media as being all bad. Present yourself rationally, and demand to see the final cut before you give them authorization to use your part. Practice before you talk, and stick to about 3 talking points.

  • cultBgone

    Perhaps those in the know should email Hot Snakes to explain reservations about certain exjws and that they don't portray 99.9% of real people...then suggest some reputable exjws be contacted for representation, starting with Cedars.

  • Phizzy

    Cantleave and Nugget are good examples of balanced successful people who are XJW's, they would neither be as balanced or successful had they remained in the Cult. They are also very eloquent, and focussed on the real issues.

    They are in the U.K of course, so it may not be so easy to involve them , even if they are willing.

    I too have reservations about how good the quality of research and hence the resulting T.V programme will be, but we shall see.

    I hope it is shown regardless, no Bad Publicity for the W.T is a bad thing, it all helps to add to the unease of the R&F JW.

  • konceptual99

    The best bit of PR for the WT is a show featuring bitter and twisted apostates with an axe to grind. I'd rather have nothing than something like that.

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