I'd love to continue the conversation today, but I'm beat. I must be in a different time zone from you guys :-) Good night y'all. I'll pick it back up tomorrow. :-)
What is the JW Mindset?
by losingit 35 Replies latest jw experiences
Losingit, Sounds good. See you tomorrow!
Outlaw: I`m Right your Wrong.. That makes me Better than You.. Now Shut Up and Listen!
While I would agree that many, maybe even most, JWs have this attitude, or mindset,
none of these traits are exclusive to JWs in particular or even to fundamentalist believers in general from any religion.....Oubliette
That reminds me of the WBT$ JW "come back answer" for a lot of things..
What the Catholics do in their Religion,has nothing to do with the WBT$ JW`s..
The WBT$ JW`s need to take responsibility for their own actions..So do the exJW`s..
Thats why we see exJW`s,still acting like WBT$ JW`s..
Outlaw: The WBT$ JW`s need to take responsibility for their own actions..So do the exJW`s.. Thats why we see exJW`s,still acting like WBT$ JW`s..
But the OP asks "What is the JW Mindset?"
I'm trying to isolate and understand what things, if any, are uniquely JW-esque and NOT the same as other religious folks, or just plain ol' arrogant, annoying people in general.
I'm beginning to think that there are actually very few behaviors that are unique to JWs. In fact, they're not nearly as different from other people as they'd like to believe.
I think one of the many disturbing aspects of the JW mindset is the belief that they have to "save" everyone they meet.
I t is so liberating to realise you are NOT responsible for what other people think and feel.
I know now where I end and other people begin. It's called having boundaries and I like it. Helluva load off.
I'm beginning to think that there are actually very few things are that unique to JWs. In fact, they're not nearly as different from other people as they'd like to believe.....Oubliette
Your always going to find a simularitie somewhere..
What about the other guy?!..Stop looking at me!..Those guys are the same!..
Then they don`t have to take full responsibility because: "Hey the other guys doing it,we`re not so bad"
Thats part of the WBT$ JW Mind set.."Find somebody Else to Share the Blame for Your Mistakes"..
ExJWs sometimes follow that same path..
Good comment by the way!..
How do you define it for yourself?
I don't.
I'm not sure that there is one specific to being a JW. However I do think that I have found being honest was difficult. To honestly say how I felt about the assembly or the talk or the publication or how I felt about christmas or sex.
What characteristics are you working hard to let go of in order to overcome your JW past?
I'm not.
When i was a witness I was pretty relaxed about things and after I left home I was much more me. I felt at times there was hypocrisy and this would bother me especially if I felt it was on the part of the elder body.
Thinking Lite
o.k. I've tried to think this through before posting so as to explain my point as best as I can .
As already stated JWs are human beings just the same as everyone else . There is no typical JW except maybe they do have a tendency to like being organised and that is what attracts newbies to the org . This has been said by others who are ex JWs and is possibly the only trait that many share . I think that the org then takes the human characteristics that we all have and use them to their advantage .
We can all be selfish , so they say " no need to give to charities that help peple now , it is a waste of your money because Armageddon is coming anyway . Give us your money and that will help you survive "
So to me the problem is the WT's manipulation of the flawed humanity that we all share . We like to feel superior , so r&f are told "you belong to the ONLY group who are doing Jehovah's will "
Yes I know other religious groups do that to some extent but the WT does have this mind manipulation thing down to a fine art .
So to me the term JW mindset ( yes a lazy way of expressing this ) means the teaching and attitudes instilled into someone by the WT which can be very hard to distinguish as such as opposed to someone's own opinions and ideas . From what I have gathered from my own interaction with JWs and from this forum it can become VERY difficult for a person to know what are their own thoughts and what are the org's , the one becomes the other .
So I suppose that when the mind meld has taken place very efficiently it must difficult to clear out all the stuff from your brain that is not original to you . Born ins must feel that they are almost being born again when they realise that they are free to think how they like .
I know that as a never JW some of my thinking is supposition so I would be interested to hear (read ) comments from others better placed than myself .
Perhaps the single thing unique to witnesses is their belief that they alone:
1. Know and use god's name 2. Understand the true meaning of the bible 3. Have a special protected relationship with the creator of the universe
Are the other traits really unique to jws or are they the result of the finely-honed mind-control tactics employed on the jws themselves?
Throwing attention to the other religions who have major scandals is a common technique used by every control-freak manipulator walking the planet. It's not unique to jws but it's a shoddy tactic used to draw attention away from their own horrific actions.
Are they selfish in the sense of not wanting to help others on the planet, or because they want the "paradise earthâ„¢" all to themselves? It's an interesting concept and dilemma. I don't know that I ever met a jw who participated in service out of a great love of people, wanting to share paradise with them. Instead service was either perfunctory and boring OR an activity used to gain status within the borg.
Wish I had more time to participate...off to work but will check back this evening. Good thread!