The introduction & conclusion to this video is in German, but David Splanes' words are loud and clear in English - get your kid baptized ASAP!
by The Searcher 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yep............get your kids baptized ASAP so we can control them with threats of disfellowshipping and loss of friends and family!
Thatta keep 'em in The Truth(TM)!
Hold the gun to their head.
You'll lose ALL your friends!
I can hear soooo many things wrong with the reasoning and logic in this video, so much that I had to stop listening, it is so Wrong!
It's all about force; forcing your child into baptism by the early teens at the latest, forcing your child out in service every Saturday morning, forcing your child to attend every meeting.
The parental mention of letting the child's heart do the motivating is minimized into extinction and the parent's reasoning demeaned.
The Jonah example is ridiculous; to say that Jehovah forced Jonah to go to Ninevah because the alternative was another ride in the Big Fish takes away all personal choice from the individual. But then, isn't that what WT is all about?
What a phony piece of crap ... wouldn't
trust him to look after my dog!
The youngest I have ever seen is 6 years old....the TMS overseer felt a student should be able to read to participate (yes, I have heard that others allow it).
So will they go as low as 4 or 5, potty-trained required?
Jesus was just a slacker, then?
Yet another Rubicon crossed, people.
The point he makes is this:
We study with students for five or six years, we expect them to get baptized.
If we study with our children for five or six years, shouldn't they get baptized?
This is such fallacious reasoning I am a little shocked to see such a 'princely' one uttering it.
Our children are CHILDREN; their brains don't reach their full development, with best judgement, until the age of 25.
(There is a reason car companies don't rent to people under 25)
Is 5 years of studying with a grownup the same as studying for five years with a child from 5 to 10 years of age??
He says there are reports of 13, 14, 15 year olds who are not baptized!
This speaker is a certifiable idiot, here is the proof.
Baptizing children, esp pre-teens, is nothing but a blatant BRAZEN [edited] position totally opposite that of Jesus' example with his own baptism.
"Follow in Jesus' footsteps -- except where we tell you to do differently." ~ GB
The point he makes is this:
We study with students for five or six years, we expect them to get baptized.
If we study with our children for five or six years, shouldn't they get baptized?
This encapsulates perfectly the organization's attitude toward children.
They loathe and detest children.
Children who act like children are an abomination.
Children should act, speak, and dress like miniature adults at all times, regardless of age.
It probably shouldn't really surprise us - if you lived 30, 40, 50 years in the cold, sterile, childless environment of Bethel, and were thusly so stupendously out of touch with the real world, maybe you'd write vile dreck like they do.
Just as a side note, this utter disgust with even the very idea of children is likely a significant contributing factor to the organization's dark-ages view of child abuse.