Elder: I threw out all WT & Awake and only keep the last ten years...
by adjusted knowledge 35 Replies latest jw friends
cha ching
Wait a minute.... WHAT??????
Don't tell me they have gone back to "Sodom & Gomorrah might be resurrected"?
NO WAY!!!??!!!
If so, please give me the link, book, etc this info is from... I have to read it myself.
Thx! cha ching
Remember the old campy tv spy shows where they would tell you that after you read the missive or open the box (or whatever) in 10 seconds, it will explode? Maybe the WT should be written on paper that decomposes in 3 years and there should be a built in worm or whatever on all online info so that it just disappears into the ether (nowhere to be found in the net) after that period of time.
Throwing out all pre-2000 magazines is a commendable start..... I'd just like this step to be extended...
adjusted knowledge
Wait a minute.... WHAT??????
Don't tell me they have gone back to "Sodom & Gomorrah might be resurrected"?
NO WAY!!!??!!!
If so, please give me the link, book, etc this info is from... I have to read it myself.
Thx! cha ching
They've gone back and forth so many times, I guess I really don't know thier current position on it. Last article I found was 2005 stating no resurrection for certain ones. So that means some will.
"Those who are judged unworthy of a resurrection are pitched into “Gehenna,” or “the lake of fire.” (Matthew 5:22; Mark 9:47, 48; Revelation 20:14) Among these would be the first human pair, Adam and Eve, the betrayer Judas Iscariot, and certain ones who died when God executed judgment upon them, such as the people in Noah’s day and the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah." Watchtower 2005 Jul 15 p.31
Not Resurrected
"Consequently, in addition to what Jude 7 says, the Bible uses Sodom/Gomorrah and the Flood as patterns for the destructive end of the present wicked system. It is apparent, then, that those whom God executed in those past judgments experienced irreversible destruction." Watchtower 1988 Jun 1 p.31
Some Resurrected
"A definite indication is found at Jude 7, where we read that "Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them … are placed before us as a warning example by undergoing the judicial punishment of everlasting fire." Yes, the destruction of the gross sinners in those cities was eternal, as will be the destruction of the wicked at the end of the present system of things." Watchtower 1990 Apr 15 p.20
from "dby": " just threw out everthing last week but the silver sword. song book went by-by too."
The "silver sword" has changed only few weeks after presentation. They had some "little mistakes" in the first edition.
This was discussed here on the board.
The back cover picture from the song book has little changes.
cha ching
Thx Adjusted Knowledge!
Thanks for answering the question AK. Good for you. I think not stirring the pot is good, although it does sound like you gave the pot a slight tilt. :)
ADCMS - Out of the quotes you shared, the phrase I am not sure I have ever heard is "our earthly publications". What the hell!?
He was getting frustrated and told my mother she should throw away all those bound volumes and that is what he did. He only keeps the watchtower and awake from 2000 to present. So of course I took a parting shot and stated, " Oh I guess the last 90 years of teachings was wrong?" lol
So they can spend many hours a year pondering over what their "Brothers" in the 1st century believed, but what their "Brothers" just 100 years ago believed just doesn't matter?
How can they be what they claim to be and take that attitude?
This organization gives itself away in so many subtle ways.
I think the religion itself is still the same dysfuctional, delusional, high-control group it has always been.
The only thing that keeps changing is what hair to split this time.