Elder: I threw out all WT & Awake and only keep the last ten years...

by adjusted knowledge 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus

    Demonized and depraved ones here, you are clearly all very confused.

    All issues of all magazines are automatically classified as "Old Light" as soon as there is a new issue.

    All issues of all books are automatically classified as "Old Light" as soon as there is a new year.

    Don't you people know anything at all?

    Quite evidently, you will soon add to the Great Mound of Corpses (7.3 billion or so) that will be left for God's People to dispose of... with the help of the Fowls of the Air.

    Some of the Har-Magedonned young 'uns may not have finished twitching yet, and disposing of these helpless near-corpses will be assigned to the Elder Class - as a privilege, you could say.

    Much "use" can be had from them, and there won't be any Judicial Committee proceedings in the New World.

    What a Great Privilege it is to serve in God's sole Earthly Organization! And what Opportunities for the Rapist Class.



    (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/281197/1/Re-updated-List-of-Watchtower-Classes-simplified-for-the-simple-minded Class)

  • minimus

    it's medication time...

  • truth_b_known

    One day, when I was 13, my father threw away my comic book collection. At that time I owned certain comics that were individually worth over $100.00. He said they must be thrown away just like the first century christians who burned their magic practicing book.

    I threw away all my Watchtower publications. Box after box of bound volumes, aid books, etc. After all, the first century christians burned all of their evil books.

  • Quendi

    Really, when you think about it, this elder's response was right in line with WTS policy. How so? Well, look what the WTS did when it instituted its online library. The only publications featured were those published from the year 2000 forward. That was the signal to the rank-and-file that they should do likewise, the old "monkey see, monkey do" routine. The selective amnesia practiced by the Governing Body is very clever. Without ever directly saying that the theology proffered before the end of the twentieth century is bogus, the WTS made the same point more subtly with its digital library. So if anyone wants to accuse a Witness of having no respect or place for older publications, the example of the WTS can always be pointed to as the proper one to have.


  • Focus

    Quendi, the pre-2000 material is incredibly rich in absurdity. Since then, they've learned to say almost nothing, filling pages and dumpsters with anodyne hack that lacks any substance whatsoever. That's why the digital library starts in 2000.

    My digital library is absolutely complete and goes back to Russell and Barbour's first infantile droolings.



    ("Toilet-Paper" Class)

  • Quendi

    You hit the nail squarely on the head with your observation, Focus.


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