I don't think I ever did but I would have been honored to do so.
Did You Ever Stumble Anyone?
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
Pyramid God
I was a big death metal fan and went to concerts all the time. I know that bothered some people.
keyser soze
I sure hope so
Ditto, I would be proud to have done so. I can think of two guys I may have helped, but I don't know if they are out now or not.
As I am mild mannered and kind, some people tend to try to take advantage, one Bro was blocking my car in the K.H car park, not unusual, you had at least to be fairly early to not double park, this guy always came late, I asked him very nicely to move his car, some time after the end of the Meeting, and he said "Not just yet, I am enjoying my conversation here".
Well Phizzy was desperate to get down the Pub for a pint or six, and so I said loudly " MOVE IT NOW OR I'LL KNOCK IT OUT OF THE WAY !"
He moved it forthwith of course, but apparently shortly thereafter he let it be known he was moving with his family overseas as he found it hard to stay in the "truth" here. I wondered if perhaps that was me spurring him on, anyway the bugger should have moved his car with good grace.
The second guy was when I was just waking up, I was invited along to his Bible Study by the Bro conducting it, I think as a way to get me to report some F.S, which I didn't , even though I spent at least four hours a month with this guy. I had stopped reporting until the 1914 doctrine was proved to me, which it never was of course.
During the study, on several occasions, I put forward the merits of being what I considered myself to be at the time, a "Scientific Christian", what I meant by that was that I would not accept the mere word of men, it had to be plainly in Scripture and had to have facts and proof to back it up.
I readily cast doubt on a lot of what was in the Study book, of course the M.S taking the study was not too pleased about this, but my criteria could not really be faulted, if it was true, it should fit what a "Scientific Christian" expected.
I have wondered since if I helped these two to get on their way out, the first totally unknowingly if I did, the second quite intentionally.
Some of us were sneaky and made sure we kept a low profile so as to not "stumble" anyone. I regularly went clubbing on the weekends. As long as I was out in service and at meetings, no one knew. Hangovers were tough though, especially if I was giving a public talk.
I hope I did.
I think that's such a silly thing to go on about, this "stumbling" stuff.
Alot of my pals at school started smoking and doing soft drugs when they were about 15 or so. Never appealed to me. My pops always said "if your mate put their head in the gas oven, would you do the same?"
All people have their own free will, conscience and internal compass of ethics. We are anot responsible for the behaviour of others.
Too much guilt is laid upon the R & F, making them easier to control, I guess.
If you stumbled someone you're in good company. Jesus did too.
Old Goat
Yes. I suggested to the mother of a young ministry school student that a Nehru jacket was not appropriate attire. She took her kid out of the school. I confess it didn’t' bother me a bit.
keyser soze
Too much guilt is laid upon the R & F, making them easier to control, I guess.
That's exactly what's behind the whole idea of 'stumbling'; it's about control. It's how they get you to do something when they have no sciptural backing for it. They guilt you into doing, or not doing, what they want when they can't compel you with scripture. They accomplish this with words like 'stumbling'.