Making someone paranoid is a Watchtower pastime.
Did You Ever Stumble Anyone?
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
The WBT$ looks for anyway to keep people under control..
"Don`t Stumble Anyone!"..
How about "Piss Off and Get a Life"..
You won`t Find It in the WBT$..
No not me personally but I know for a fact that the WTS. stumbled millions right out of any religious belief.
dazed but not confused
I was 17 and there was a nephew of an elder that was a punk kid maybe 15 or 16. A friend and I hung out with him a few times. He was from a “worldly” relative family and was living with his uncle, the elder.
I told the kid to “fuck off!” I don’t remember why, but I do remember never liking him. He was a shit head.
He told on me and I ended up in the back room. They told me as a baptized witness, I had to be “exemplary”. Got my hands slapped. Wasn’t the first nor the last time in the back room. lol
dazed but not confused
Aww.... Wasted my 1900th post...
The Watchtower Corporation stumbled humanity from its indulgent lies and corruption.
The best response if the Elders complain that you 'stumbled' someone: 'I guess whoever I 'stumbled' will just have to put on their big girl (boy) panties and deal with it as an adult. I'm sure they'll work it out for themselves without my help.' Then end the conversation.
Dazed, I like you.
Yes. I was told by a couple of elders in my congregation that I had stumbled someone at my place of employment because I spelled out a curse word in a department meeting.
new hope and happiness
Minimus i dont want to infllate that already too large " Red belly ego" of yours, but if it makes you feel better you helped stumble me.
All those doors and converting people i miss but i doubt you even care?