Bethel writer see's a fatty bethelite take the last bread roll at lunch...should he vent his feelings thru Jehovahs holy Watchtower magazine...why not!!
Watchtower 1974p.167 " over indulging in food....he fails to show love for Jehovah food a big thing in his life? Does he selfishly ignore others needs and take more then his share? Is he grossly overweight but shows no restraint habitually gorging himself? ....he has NO PLACE IN THE CONGREGATION OF GOD...HE WILL NOT INHERIT GODS KINGDOM..."
(Four years later the "fat-racist" continues) Watchtower 1978 12/15 p.9 "...he may make it impossible for other diners to eat to satisfaction. For this reason he may be dispised...he isolates himself from others...THEY MAY SHUN HIM...GODS KINGDOM WILL BRING LAW-DEFYING GLUTTONS TO AN END."
Our Cong.- pizza hut all you can eat is cancelled this week.