The OT is not all blood and guts, there is some humor.

by jam 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jam

    1) God sneezes,EX. 15:8

    2)God drinks wine ..Judges 9:13

    3)A man named DODO... Judges 10:1

    4)Golden hemorrhoids given as an offering 1 Samuel 6:4 (no thanks)

    5) Men pee on walls "Otherwise as the Lord liveth the God of

    Israel.........There had not been left to Nabel by the morning light

    any that pisseth against the wall".

    6)God rerfers to things as stuff...1 Samuel 10;22

    7) Don't make God mad, smoke might come out his nose and fire

    out of his mouth...2 Samuel 22:9

    8) People are plucked bald....Nehemiah 13:25

    9)Jobs want to know who will give him a "high five" Job 17:3

    10) God says "Ha Ha" Job 39:25

    11) God laughs ...Ps. 59:8

    12) Stay in your house, there are tongues walking around

    outside....Psalms 73:9

    Why would anyone name their son DODO??

  • RubaDub

    On the darker side, when the Bible mentions that someone is pooping there seems to be a death (just like birthdays).

    If you have a birthday or poop, sleep with one eye open.

    Rub a Dub

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Why would anyone name their son DODO??


    Could be worse. They could've named him "DooDoo".

  • jam

    I have a friend I would like you to meet. Great, what's his name?

    DODO. No thanks!! What's in a name, poor guy....

    Yes "DooDoo" would be worst...LOL

    I wonder was it inspired by God...

  • Finkelstein

    Personally I think the event of Jonah being swallowed by a large fish for 3 days and then the fish opening

    its mouth and Jonah crawling out saying " What the hell was that all about " ?

    Thats one of funniest tales in the bible and I think there's one where god starts

    talking to someone using a donkey is another.

  • jam

    The little JW girl talking to her teacher about whales. The

    teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow

    a human. The little JW girl stated Jonah was. The teacher stated

    once again, it's impossible. The little girl said, when I get to heaven

    I will ask Jonah. The teacher said, what if he is in hell.

    The little JW said, then you can ask him..

  • Strangelove

    Am I the only one who chuckled when reading about the names of Jacob and Bilha's Sons? Naphtali and Dan. I mean, talk about all the over complicated names in the bible book of Genesis. Some of them are badass. We have Methuselah, Abraham, Israel, And here we have...Dan. Doesn't convey the same power? Does it? Sounds like some loner wearing overalls with a cable workshop show.

    Mostly though, I found myself appauled by the Old Testament. I mean, for feminism, The Book of Judges is cool, but holy hell is it violent! Some of the advice in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes is insightful, but others make absolutely no sense what so ever. (Song of Solomon is still the best book for having absolutely nothing to do with anything. ) And am I the only one who is confused by how Jacob can be seen as a good role model when he decietfully stol Esaus Birth right? What a dick move. (But seriously though esau, was the lentil soup worth it?) I mean, Jacob is supposed to be this Ritoues dude, and here is intentionally lying. I guess it's okay, even if we all know who the original "Father of the lie" is. Hmmm.

    And why is it no one ever refers to Jacob as Israel? Yet we all call Abram, Abraham?

    Propehcy books would be funny if they wern't so boring and vague. I think Daniel and Jonah are the only ones that had some entertainment value. The rest though, forgetable.

    1 Samual-2Kings is still pretty epic stuff though. They should adapt more Bible movies of those books. I wouldn't mind seeing Absalom hanging from 5 feet of hair after rebelling against David. It's dramatically heartbreaking, and comedically hilarious.


    But I digress. Old Testament is still pretty appauling to me. And you know what, I think the New Testament is still pretty bad too. Maybe not in the Bloodshed category, but the morality of it. Pauls Writings, need I say more. That dude wasn't just a terrible and trite writer, but his whole idea conflicted with everything. We really get to see the makings of a seriously fucked up cult in The NT.

  • sir82

    I always got a chuckle imagining Absalom hanging by his hair from a tree, while the horse or donkey he was riding kept right on going out from under him.

  • prologos

    very deeply funny comments all thank you.

    Sir82, did they not make a circus act out of that, with ladies hanging from their hair and the branch breaking?

    nowodays rebellious teenagers grow long hair too, but 5 feet? that must been the last days.

  • steve2

    I am so glad there is more to the OT than blood and guts. I should imagine after you have carried out divinely-directed genocide, you just might be longing for a lighter moment provided by some good humor. Ha ha ha. After all, there's got to be more to religiosity than, oh, I don't know, strutting your righteousness, judging and wiping out the ungodly. Laughter is truly the best medicine. A shame though, the slaughtered souls can't join in on the humor.

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