Circuit Overseers Are Monitored- Confirmed

by metatron 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    This fact appeared as a rumor on this board some time
    ago. I can confirm it, as I once saw it with my own eyes.

    A C.O. was giving a talk at a district convention while
    a speaker from Bethel was sitting with his wife in the
    stands. I approached in the aisle slowly and saw the
    talk's word for word manuscript on his lap in a binder.
    He was actually following each line and every word -
    I sat in a seat in a lower row and could look back up
    to notice his eyes running across each line - and
    he would quickly look up if the CO on stage stumbled
    on some phrase!

    Why they do this, I don't know.
    Maybe some legal thing or some extreme doctrinal
    paranoia by the GB, but yes,

    they don't trust their own intinerant agents!


  • MikeMusto

    This Hollywood insider knows that emergency
    backups are always needed at conventions..Especially
    District Conventions where talks are manuscripts..

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    "EmergencyBackups" my foot! It's paranoia..

  • MikeMusto

    what happens if the c.o. is driving his moped and
    and he turns to see a chia pet garden and accidently
    flips and crashes and burns himself up and the talk
    burns with him...and this all happens on the day of the
    assem..relax 215 its all about backup sick

  • ozziepost

    At District Conventions, there is a Society-appointed 'monitor' who follows every talk checking to see that the speaker 'keeps to the outline'.

    At Circuit Assemblies, the D.O. monitors the talks.

    I found it a 'fun thing' (not) on the occasions when I got the job.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • patricia

    I think the monitoring is in case an elder decides to insert his own thoughts into the talk the sound could go down or some other emergency could be construed to get him off the platform. Wouldn't that be interesting, to see a male work his way up the ranks from ms to elder, to co, and do and then change the words of his talk at a large assembly into an expose of the organization. That would get some attention for sure!

  • dmouse

    Good idea Patricia (Hi by the way)

    I've heard of Elders doing that in the congregation; resigning from the platform and telling everyone why the WBTS sucks, but I've never heard of it being done at an assembly.

    Wouldn't that be fun!

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    the d.o. alsways is present, even before the assembly starts. then he listens to the test of the speeches etc. so it is granted that everything runs like demanded. thats no new thing.
    our c.o. pointed out that 1975 did not grow upstream but downstream. with that utterance he gave example that it was not the brotherhood that oirginally shouted out for 1975 and harmageddon. it came from Brooklyn's ivory towers.
    ;) sure that expression he did not say, but I guess that he doesnt like them too much.
    he is a little che, but kindly, yet more and more elders reject him because of his kind to break traditions.
    His wallon dialect is hard, but also heartly.
    I guess he is a good man in the wrong place and the time will come he will be very much disappointed recognizing that he kept the ivory mill running. j'espere que il a des amies avec des coeur.

  • patricia

    As you can see I'm a newbie, but I have been reading posts for months, just haven't posted myself. I'm not going to relay my history at this time, except to say that I was baptized at 10, "vacation pioneered" every summer of my school vacation with a beautiful, and wise older sister who has been gone for quite a few years. I was married to the "Bible Study Servant" who later was transformed into an "elder". I am not df, but do not attend meetings.
    I question everyone's thinking about removing themselves from the organizaton, not because I think its the truth but because to me it would be strategy to stay in especially if you are a brother. In secular war the object is to infiltrate the enemy, find out their plans and sabatage them. Aren't we doing exactly what the organization wants us to do when we leave. We become "apostates", and close all minds to what we have to say. We justify the organizaton's policy. Leander for example was a m.s. He could have "progressed" to an elder and had an inside track on everything coming down. We "sisters" do not have the same advantages of the males, but some subtle "propaganda" of our own could be very subtley injected into our social gatherings etc. I firmly believe that we are at a point in time when a fatal blow could be dealt to the organization but I think it has to destroy itself from the inside out to ever let the real "truth" come through. Has anybody else ever thought this way?

  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error

    I agree with patricia, and have been doing much of what she mentions since I have been involved in the troof. A trojan horse tactic would be highly effective, especially if aimed at those already harboring doubts, and younger, more worldly members.

    A rotten core has often been the downfall of large organisations, and would definitively help bring about gradual change, if only amongst the R&F.

    [edited for spelling mistakes ]

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