Are there any more examples like this? Pictures changed because a person was disfellowshipped?
Changes to Watchtower publication pictures
by rory-ks 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They all look fucking thrilled at the possibility Jehovah God Almight (cousin of Bruce) might care about them. Thrilled.
I would love to know the reason. There's got to be one. They wouldn't just arbitrarily change the photo. Does anybody know why they did it?
According to this person, it's because the man was homosexual. Watch this video starting at 9:04
Oh, and if you want explanation in addition to the thing itself, please consider this. As they say, one picture speaks more than a thousand words. Why go great length to wonder why the WT does historical revisionism if we can just take a look at this "instructional photo":
"I would love to know the reason. There's got to be one. They wouldn't just arbitrarily change the photo. Does anybody know why they did it?" - Magnum
Targeting an specific ethnic group?
Take care,
It ended up that god didn't really care for the people first pictured, so he had them replaced by someone he liked better (probably because they got more service hours than the first losers).
Ah yes, I remember when that change happened. Usually I think the reason for the change is that the original person pictured was disfellowshipped.