Changes to Watchtower publication pictures

by rory-ks 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MadGiant

    The family on the left picture look Latina. The lady on the left picture looks like Verónica Castro in the 1980's (she is Mexican). The girl looks like Angélica Vale in the 1980's (also Mexican). The guy look Michael DeLorenzo in the 1980's (he is 1/2 Puerto Rican).

    The family on the right picture looks Caucasian (white)

    It's a business.

    A target market is a group of customers towards which a business has decided to aim its marketing efforts and ultimately its merchandise. A well-defined target market is the first element to a marketing strategy. The marketing mix variables of product, place (distribution), promotion and price are the four elements of a marketing mix strategy that determine the success of a product in the marketplace.

    Take care,


  • whathehadas

    Wow! The Brother from the original "Does God Really Care About Us" cover, gave my Baptism talk. 1999 at the old Assembly Hall in Woodland Hills, Ca

  • DesirousOfChange

    Wow! The Brother from the original "Does God Really Care About Us" cover, gave my Baptism talk. 1999 at the old Assembly Hall in Woodland Hills, Ca

    If it is true that he is gay and has been DFd, then can your baptism really be legitimate? How would Jehovah see it?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Persons asking why the bound volume reprint has a different cover picture are receiving answers such as the Society's letter shown here claiming that the cover was changed to "produce a more appropriate and suitable illustration."

    Why is the Watchtower Society determined to hide the truth regarding its September 15, 1982, cover? Because this information exposes THE WATCHTOWER for what it really is - not "the channel of communication" from God, as it claims, but just another magazine like the magazines it 'borrowed' the picture from.

    For further information, enter "Johnny Walker Red" into JWN search box.

  • sir82

    When different covers uses black s. white vs. Asian, it is mst likely to try to appeal to the target audience in the country / zone where the item will be featured.

    But in cases where one caucasian replaces another, as in some of the examples above, that is almost certainly due to judicial action against the person pictured.

  • dozy

    The WTBTS also changed the picture on the "Panda" tract allegedly because they had copied the clothes from a store catalogue without giving permission ( pinching artwork etc seems to be something of a bad habit of the society. )

  • cofty
    cofty - Good picture. Nikolai Yezhov AKA "The Vanishing Commissar".

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    It's to fool people into thinking the publications don't still have the same crap inside.

  • whathehadas

    If it is true that he is gay and has been DFd, then can your baptism really be legitimate? How would Jehovah see it?

    Wish that was the case. Would nullify my dip into disaster😠

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    All such changes that I've known of were for judicial reasons. There are several pictures from the ragazines that were changed when they printed the bound volumes because people were DFd in the meantime. It's part of the art department procedure to check these things when it comes to releases and reprinting stuff.

    It's more complicated for audio/video projects. These projects drag on for years, so they have to do a background check before the shoot and then have to do another 'spirituality check', often years later, before they can finalize the product for release. Editing can be a disaster when interviews have to be cut or drama scenes have to be revised when the project is nearly finished. I think that's why videos, like the newest one, have dropped in quality. They need to reduce the number of characters to a minimum and get them out as quickly as possible before one of the featured teens leaves the cult. As far as the videos, once it's released, it's released. Some of the oldest are still distributed, but include people that were DFd long ago.

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