I lurked for 2 years on this site before I joined in July 2013. What a roller coaster ride it has been.
First of all, I was a very active JW for those unfamilar with my story having been a Longtime Elder(21 years), Regular Pioneer (14 years), Convention & Assembly Speaker, etc. I am still an active Witness because I am older now, with close to 40 years in the Borg with some longtime friends. Boy how I have changed! I used to have that gleam in the eye, enthusiastic smile on my face, "drinking the koolaid" to the max, " all the meetings are so good", volunteering for canceled talks, you get the point.
Now I can barely stay awake at the meetings. My wife says it seems that she is nugging me at every meeting. I told her they need to change their format, it is so boring there (she just nodded her head). I told her I can guess ahead of time what is going to be in the next KM. She agrees that alot now seems to be just repeated material. I asked her, "When was the last good Public Talk", she admitted, "It's been awhile". I told one Elder that "some of our Public Talks have been lacking in substance or praticality for Christians today. He said tell the Talk Coordinator (i didn't, for this would be a sign of rebellion).
Another change is "Taking Counsel". I have always been a Humble person. Various Sisters knew the could come to me and say anything they wanted and I would politely listen and not counsel them for having hateful thoughts or a rebellious attitude. Now I have been counseled 3 times in the past year for frivolus things like "Football, drinking alcohol". Then 2 Elders wanted to talk to me about my teenage daughter watching a PG movie with another sister that had Spiritistic overtones. I told them; "You Know, I am tired of being Counseled", and I walked out of the Kingdom Hall. Later that evening, one of the Elders call me to apologize and he pegged me not to change congregations.
Next, my speech. You can say I cuss a heck of alot more. Not the vulgar type, just He.l, Sh.t, Da.n, you get it! Also, my dreams. Oh I still sleep good at night (because I work my Ass off every day), but I used to have vivid realistic dreams about "Armageddon, Life on the Paradise Earth, The Ressurection,etc". Now, none of that, nada, ziltch.
Thanks for letting me vent a bit!