Hobby Lobby pays for alot of birth control, including pills, patches, rings. This case is mainly about the "mroning after/abortion" pill. A reason to go to a National health care system or a complete, private system (like car insurance).
US Supreme Court: Hobby Lobby wins we lose
by designs 89 Replies latest social current
Band on the Run
If you truly plan to not purchase supplies from Hobby Lobby could you run into the store and inform the manager? It would take two to three minutes at most. I feel they should see there are consequences.
The Court already ruled that groups such as Salvation Army can hire secular employees on the basis of religion. I see a clear tension. There is something terrifying to women's bodies. Perhaps they sense our power and fear us. All those crappy WT articles about subjugation of women are flooding my mindObama's ultimate choice for Secy of HHS has been a disaster. Many progressive groups thought this issue was being handled in a clumsy manner. She just resigned. Tom Daschle was supposed to implement ACA. From my sources, I hear that he has certain personality traits that would have enhanced the ACA. He can work deals with the GOP. Sen. Daschle, however, received the services of a limo and chaffeur without declaring income. The New York Times said he had to go. He is Roman Catholic.
Does the Church truly believe they can stop women from obtaining birth control and abortions? Older women used to tell me their illegal abortion stories. You catch a cab to Park Avenue or visit London. Perhaps the women employed by these close corporations should be entitled certain tax benefits to even out the playing field.
breakfast of champions
From the NY Times: "Justice Alito said he accepted for the sake of argument that the government had a compelling interest in making sure women have access to contraception. But he said there were ways of doing that without violating the companies’ religious rights."
A company has religious rights?
I live in a bizzare land.
Thanks, shana. You are one of the few who got to the point. The rest are knee jerk, Ill informed liberal flibberdegibbits. They are a font of misinformed blather.
Here's a question: Do you believe that women are capable of managing their own lives without the intervention of somebody else (the government, their employer or whatever) to manage it for them?
Oh sure, Shana, we could go to Planned Parenthood instead, except, darn, the Right wants to shut them down, too.
Band on the Run
Now lower federal courts will decide which fact patterns require the Hobby Lobby requirements. My expertise is with the Establishment Clause, probably the messiest area of Supreme Court jurisprudence. This case will be messy, too.
Im sorry......maybe not, but after reading all of the comments, it seems to me that XJW's are just as bad if not worse than any other group that wants their viewpoints and opinions shoved down the rest of mankind's throats. You all want YOUR way or the highway. To you, it doesn't matter what the other person or group thinks. You are like little kids throwing a tantrum because you don't like something. You gnash your teeth at anothers way of life but you cry and cry if they say something negative about your way of life.
Grow up!
In the bars it is said of wimps when they have had to much to drink that they are "flexing their beer muscles". Those wimps after a little more than smelling the beer cap would fight the 200 LB brute who is minding his own business. You are like the wimp. You don't get involved in anything positive but just like to be negative by flexing your "keyboard muscles". Go out and get involved with organisations that express what you believe and look for ways to make a difference. Q uit mouthing off YOUR opinion and getting pissed that others think differently.
If you read what OhioCowboy said.......get the facts about any issue before getting diareah of the mouth.
Band on the Run
Why don't you explain your reasoning.
Because he would rather insult just everyone who doesn't agree with him, name calling is so much easier than actual an debate.