Mom and silentlambs issue

by Mulan 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    At dinner last night, I began telling my mother more about the silentlambs issue. I told her all about Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson and the Pandelos and the 'witch hunt' to get them disfellowshipped. At first she was defensive of the policy, until I told her they live in 3 different states. I could tell it hit her conscience, that all 3 were given notice the same week, 3 weeks before the Dateline show is to air. When I told her the Society didn't accept the elder's decision not to DF Barb A., and that they submitted new charges, that was shocking to her.

    Then she said this "I think I can speak for anyone who is a mother of one of the victims of a pedophile (she is), and say that they (pedophiles) should all be in prison. I don't care what the elders would tell me or do to me, the first one I would call is the police." She said the elders should be more concerned with the children than with their reputations in the community.

    When I told her about them needing two witnesses to the offense, she was horrified.............I started to tell her about Erica, and the phone rang. It was her Presiding Overseer, and by the time I finished talking to him, she had to go back to her room to rest (we were talking about her and how she is STILL not getting visitors from the congregation............he really is a nice man). It took a lot out of her to hear all of that. But at least she is thinking again. Sometimes they are so mindless, repeating the WT rhetoric. Mom is a free spirit of sorts, even though she is 90, so I have hope for her.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Imbue

    Mulan at ninety years old what are you hoping to accomplish with your Mom? Just wondering if she isn't just better off with her beliefs it maybe too late for her to change.

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • Mulan

    I am not trying to kill the truth for her, if that's what you mean. She asks questions from time to time, and is extremely intelligent, and sharp mentally. She wants to know, so if she asks, I answer. She has been disillusioned for some time, but will never lose her faith 'in Jehovah'. If the organization dies in her eyes, it won't be a devastation to her. I can see that now, but in the past, I felt it would be too much for her. Her faith truly is in God, not the WTS.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • RedhorseWoman

    Mulan, it sounds as if your mom is definitely willing to think. Perhaps if she realizes exactly what the WTBTS is all about, it may help her to deal with their lack of "Christian love".

  • Imbue

    Yeah, that's what I mean. There are no atheists in the nursing home and she is probably to old to change her faith. So, if she looses her faith it maybe too devastating at this point. Especially if you don't replace it with something else.

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • Amazing

    Hi Mulan: Your Mom sounds like a very good person. At her age, the mind may work slightly slower, but with far greater focus and precision on what is truly important in life. It will be interesting to see her reaction to the Dateline show.

  • Princess

    I had a rather short but interesting conversation with her last week about the lack of love amongst the congregation. She was really hurt that even after an announcement that she was alone and needed company, no one showed up. She spoke to an elder about it and he had a few sisters visit her. She could tell they were uncomfortable and didn't want to be there. She said it wasn't worth it if they really didn't want to do it. Why make them? They wouldn't be good company. I felt bad for her but realized she saw right through them all. This won't dash her faith in God, just the org, and they are already fading for her.


  • Mulan

    A young friend of Mom's dropped over today, with her little boy, and visited for a long time. She used to live in the same apartment complex, and is not a dub. She is very caring and treats Mom like a grandma, that she loves. I know Mom sees the contrast. It's sad, and she tells everyone (the dubs) how wonderful we are to her, and that is just NOT what they want to hear.

    For Imbue, I don't think Mom would need to have it replaced with anything. She reads her Bible all the time, and prays a lot. Her relationship is with God.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Imbue

    Mulan that's good news! I suppose having your faith in people destoyed is enough at her age. It's enough for me right now too.

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • LB

    Sounds like mom has the love of her family. That's more than a lot of people. You guys are keeping her happy I'd say. Wonderful job.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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