I have been following your posts about your mom with great empathy.
I am so happy for you that you have her with you in your home and you can reason with her. I agree that even if she does finally see the full hypocrisy of the WTS, she will still have her love for God and the Bible to sustain her faith so that she won't be devastated in finding out the true colours of the borg.
My mom was about the same age as your mom is now. My greatest wish before she died a few months ago, was that she would have had her sight and hearing these last couple of years. It was so difficult to have try to have a conversation with her as her hearing was such a detriment to having a reasonable conversation with her and her reasoning ability had greatly diminished.
I remember trying to explain the "new light" on the generation belief. She just could not fathom any change on it and just kept repeating that the end was any day now. She had actually believed that for 50 years or more. It breaks my heart that I couldn't reach her and ease her mind that I'm not doomed because I'm not going to the meetings.
It really warms my heart that your mom still is able to reason things out and has you to be a comfort to her and love her.
Had Enough
"Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."...Margaret Mead