"She should of asked them then what was the point in Jesus sacrifice and all his teachings if we still have to live under the mosaic law???"
Their answer will be that the blood ban is enforced because it predates the Mosaic Law to the command to Noah to not eat blood. Again that theology is a mess because the context clearly shows that the prohibition is against eating the blood of dead animals. Since they can eat all the meat they want, this wasn't a life-saving issue. Blood transfusions are from live donors and can be a life-saving issue. It's certainly not a case where the recipient would eat the human donor's flesh for dinner and pour out their blood. Transfusion is not the same as eating.
Their next answer would be to go to Acts and quote "abstain from blood" and say that even after the sacrifice of Jesus, true christians would sooner die than have anything to do with blood. That's not true since there are no other verses in the NT suggesting that. And as far as that instruction by the "first century governing body," very soon afterward, Paul completely discredited it. In fact, that whole meeting was about circumcision and concluded that it wasn't required of christians. Yet what was one of the first things that Paul did afterward? He circumcised Timothy, directly contrary to that decision.
Also listed in that command was to abstain "from things sacrificed to idols." In fact, it was listed first, before blood. That decision was issued in 49CE. In 55CE, Paul wrote 1 Cor 10:25-30 saying that food sacrificed to idols was a conscience matter. When you buy meat or are a guest, don't even ask. Only if someone makes the point of saying that this is an idolatrous sacrificial offering, then don't eat. So if Paul switched the command to abstain from such food to a "don't ask, don't tell" policy, where does that leave the command to abstain from blood. Wouldn't it also be "don't ask, don't tell"? I would conclude that it's wise to accept the best treatment option available, but refuse the blood if they say something like, "this blood came from a pig that we slaughtered, and we're giving it to you so you disobey the command JoeHoover gave to floodboy Noah."