sorry if i freaked you guys out...

by airwlk149 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • airwlk149

    well last night finally did it for me.
    i was over at stephanie's house, just as friends, and i was on the net while she was doing homework and was in the chat room and she got on the phone. it sounded like it was mandy. ooh my god did i freak. some of you were in the chat room when i was freaking.

    i called a friend of mine and asked him to pick me up (i was dropped of at steph's house because i was running late and i was out with christine)

    stephanie came in the room and said that SHE was giving me a ride home. so anyways i told her we can't just be friends. i am dying.
    i gave her my favorite necklace, the one that says 'DUDE'. i wear that thing all the time. i am going to look at guns today. i can't live throught this.

    or, i might move. i can't live around here. my mom and stephanie will always haunt me. i work at the local grocery store and see EVERYONE. all the jw's my mom my sister stephanie.

    and living here, i see her pictures as i walk down the hall (i live with her aunt and uncle)

    so if this is the last time you see a post from me, then i just want to say i love all of you guys very much.

    i wish you all luck with the silent lambs.

    with love,
    Katie Ann

  • teenyuck

    Katie, I just read your posts and Please do not go look at guns!!!!

    You have options, your whole life is ahead of you. We have all had bad relationships and it will get better.

    Please e-mail me and I will give you my phone number...we can talk. Please do not think you are alone or you cannot take it.



  • detective

    Hey Katie Ann,
    Listen- what you are going through right now is incredibly difficult. Struggling to keep it all together when you feel as though everything had fallen apart is a terrible feeling. Trust me, you aren't alone in that feeling. I know that wounds are said to heal eventually, at least that's the theory. Like you, so many others are wondering when their wounds will heal and they'll finally feel good again. What would you say to them- those people who are hurting and overwhelmed just like you are? I doubt you'd tell them to act rashly. So I'm turning to you and I'm saying, "Hey Katie, don't do something foolish." I don't know if there any words that can really reach your broken heart right now but try with all your might to listen for them anyway.

    My email is open if you need to talk.

  • RR

    Katie, it isn't worth it! Keep in touch!

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • flower

    I know its a cliche but time really does mend a broken heart. Just hang in there.

    Move if you have to. I dont blame you for wanting to move. So move. Thats the option. Guns is not an option.

    Listen, I've felt he way you feel as I'm sure nearly everyone here has. But looking back on it I cant believe I let myself get so down over something like that. Dont do anything drastic..its really not the end of the world here. Trust me on this on.


  • LB

    Katie Flower is right, time really does make a difference. Stephanie will not always haunt you. After a time you will wonder how you got so twisted up. Trust me, I'm old and like many here have been through this myself.

    Now guns are effective for hunting, protection and even amusment. But they usually aren't effective for solving personal problems.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • SoulJah

    Ya gotta find a way to survive,
    Cause they win when ya soul dies
    -tupac shakur[baby don't cry {keep ya head up II}]

    One day we'll all be together,until then I'm ready for whatever
    ---Tupac Shakur

  • Matty

    (((Katie))), you do think the pain is never going to go away? It takes time but you will cope, I know you will…you don’t believe me do you?

    I know this sounds crazy, but you are lucky you feel this way. Lucky?!!! Matt has gone nuts!? Yes, lucky, because lots of people live in a vacuum, they have no empathy, they have no strong feelings, they have no passion, or even compassion. They live their life in a monotone void – they think they are happy but they have no idea what life is all about. With you, the lows are gut-wrenchingly, painfully, and agonizingly low. Don’t be jealous of shallow people, because there will be a time when you experience the real highs, the highs that those folks will never know. You will get there, I know it, just be patient.

    Please keep in touch, there are loads of us here who have read all your posts that really care and worry deeply about you and will not be content until we see your next post.

  • WildHorses


    Like I said in chat (Don't know if you saw it or not). You will hurt for awhile, but the pain does go away.

    I went through this myself just a couple of months ago. I know why they call it heartbreak, because it really does feel as if it's breaking, rather taring apart.

    What will help you get past this, is to not see Steph, don't even talk to her. Every time you do it will bring the pain to the surface again.

    Honey, I wish I lived there. I would spend all my free time with you until this feeling passes. If you want to talk about it. E-mail me and give me a number where I can call you.

    Also, someone said they is a common bond get together soon in your area. Katie, please go there. Talk to them. They will give you the comfort you need at this time.

    I love you hun, please try to be strong.


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • freedomhouse3

    DO NOT die an empty death. That is NOT worthy of you. Feel free to e-mail me anytime.


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