EdenOne, dear brother - I sincerely hope I have not offended you in any way by my robust talk. But I have a Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making role, and for this to be performed without undue pandemonium, disturbed by the cries of infants and other undesirables, someone has to keep the congregation clean. Reluctantly, I have accepted this mantle. After all:
Savages and Maniacs Taken To Heaven? If heaven were made the receptacle of the heathen, savages, barbarians, the idiotic, simple, insane and infants, it would cease to be heaven to a considerable extent, and become a pandemonium.. billions of ignorant, imbecile and degraded .. never formed characters [not] fit companions for saints
- Zion's Watchtower, August 15 1896, p245
Yes, I am The List's sole author and compiler. I ejected its first edition into the net (specifically, usenet, not part of the web - usenet came first) in a post with the following headers:
Path: PRIVACY SNIP!nyd.news.ans.net!news.idt.net!kiowa!news.alt.net!anon.lcs.mit.edu!nym.alias.net!mail2news-x2!mail2news
Date: 7 Jul 1999 13:32:23 -0000
Subject: Comprehensive List of Predictions by Jehovah's Witnesses - PLEASE HELP
CC: [email protected], [email protected]
Newsgroups: alt.religion.jehovahs-witn,alt.religion.watchtower.judicial
X-No-Archive: yes
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Sender: Secret Squirrel <[email protected]>
Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to <[email protected]>. The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable.
From: [email protected] (Prominent Bethelite )
Mail-To-News-Contact: [email protected]
Organization: [email protected]
Lines: 1831
If you know how to look, you'll find it still. Nothing on the internet really dies. I use the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's cloaking mail2news server to eject my work into cyberspace. A curious coincidence is how AlanF (Alan Feuerbacher) and myself are each linked to M.I.T.
Randall Watters picked it up from there, but as I published 7 versions of it in quick succession, he wisely took only the last one (the seventh version, an antitype of The Finished Mystery) and built it into the heart of freeminds, which was already an excellent resource.
I was happy for this to happen, as this disseminated the work of my Blood-Sibling, Prominent Bethelite more widely. I'd specifically and explicitly disclaimed copyright by ending the first and some subsequent versions with:
This is a Draft. NOT (c) Prominent Bethelite 1999
After all, the purpose was to utterly damn the Watchtower by its own words. Its words were often its copyright, and I was using the "Fair Use" exception of which Mr Mosier (aka "quotes", who may well have taken my List as his starting point - if so, he was welcome! A really good person, Peter)
Many others did too, and a host of derivative works began to came out - just as I'd hoped.
So you see why these pokes, by assorted "Spiritual Pimps" about my intellectual honesty are met with in such a manner. Indeed, the RL consequences of his repeated transgressions are soon to impact the RL of the principal offender. All as per ""prophecy"".
It is FULLY IN ACCORDANCE with the teachings of the WATCHTOWER Bible &
Tract Society (WTBTS) for every member of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES to Carefully
Study the LIST mentioned above, which comprises truly fine scriptural food
from its own publications. Remember the WTBTS told you to confirm whether
what was taught by the WTBTS was in harmony with the Bible - and if not,
not to circulate it {WT Mar 1 1894 repr p1629}, to confirm WT teachings
against the Bible {WT May 1 1934 p131}, to invite critical examination of
your faith {WT Aug 15 1950 p263}, that, far from being wrong, it is your
duty to examine religion to see if it is true or false {WT Nov 15 1963
p688}, that you should actively examine your own religion {The Truth That
Leads To Eternal Life 1968 p13, a WTBTS publication}, that you should check
and examine BOTH sides of a matter {Awake! Oct 22 1973 p6}, that your
religion was in no way afraid of being exposed to scrutiny {WT Aug 1 1978
p12}, that you should to be willing to submit everything to scrutiny
{Awake! Aug 22 1984 p22/28}, that you should not have a closed mind {WT Nov
22 1984 p3-4}, that you should actively refer to the older publications {WT
Jun 15 1985 p12}, that all people are encouraged to examine other religions
and with an open mind {WT Apr 1 1991 p17} and that you are encouraged to
exhibit freedom of thought {Awake! Jun 8 1994 p21}. So, please follow this
advice of the WTBTS, and study that LIST very carefully. "You will know the
Truth and the Truth will set you free."(John 8:32). Fine advice indeed!
{WT Dec 1 1990 p19}, where it quotes {WT Dec 15 1914 p377-8}: "If any one
knows anything better, let him take it. If any of you ever find anything
better, we hope you will tell us." Kindly, Prominent Bethelite has duly
obliged. Having read it, if you find the WTBTS has ever told falsehoods,
follow the WTBTS advice clearly given in {WT Dec 1 1991 p7} "A religion
that teaches lies cannot be true."; if you find the WTBTS has even made one
false prophecy, follow the WTBTS advice clearly given in {WT Feb 1 1992 p3}
"Beware of False Prophets!" - and cut yourself off from these Foul Cheats.
I - and no one else - now have my further developed "List", which is approximately 50 (yes, fifty) times bigger than the original. It carries on the same style, and with similar content, but with (on average) longer commentaries by me and far more quotations.
It will have to be pruned somewhat - it is just too big, otherwise. But it is much more incisive than the predecessor which you have praised. After all, its purpose is to savagely execute the evil Whore. Its time will come.
In recognition, EdenOne, that you are one of the good guys, having received "New Light" ((c) Prominent Bethelite), I had in mind revenge on behalf of victims of the Watchtower Cult such as yourself when I prepared this latest thread:
"Focus sends his LOVE to the GOVERNING BODY, senior OVERSEERS, etc."
Now in this thread, by the time I am unmuzzled by the quota-software, I should have ready my expose on Maria Russell and her help offered to J.J. Ross...
("The Time Is (Imminently) To Hand - a WTS publication" Class)