There are a million of them and mine is by no means the most important question to ask them if I only had one shot at it. But, I have always wondered what kind of BS excuse they would give as an answer to this question: "Brother Goober Bum, given that there are both male and female partakers here on earth who claim to be of the 'Anointed' and plan on being of the 144,000 ruling with Christ in heaven for eternity........ why are the female 'Anointed' treated as submissive, second class citizens and why is their opinion on doctrinal matters, matters of teaching and reproving, anything at all.... why are they not recognized while here on earth even though you claim that Jesus has selected them to become angels to rule with him?"
If you had the audience of the GB, what is your #1 question you would ask them?
by Darth Fader The Sequel 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Excellent question!!! My question would be: Will people still need to pee and poop in the upcoming Paradise Earth? Presumably they will be eating all that fruit, so who handles the human waste in Paradise? Does Jehovah just make it magically disappear??
I was force fed your books as a child. Now, please define the evolutionary process to me.....
Bye bye birdie
I would ask when they plan on humbly apologizing for all the ppl they killed with the vaccine ban and the organ transplant ban.
Also I would ask why we allow anyone under 18 to become baptized when they themselves wrote an article regarding the science of teenage brains and the development of said brains.
So is it fair to judge, disfellowship, label, and publicly humiliate a child?
Assuming there was an expectation of honest answers, I would ask the Governing Body:
Did any of you become atheists later in life, or were all of you atheist from childhood?
The question is fair, becase no one who thinks there's even the remotest chance that a judgement day might dawn would commit the appalling crimes that these baboons, and their predecessors, have committed.
They have scammed, deceiving, killed and injured the lives of tens of millions, pretending to be something they damned well know they are not.
All their B.S. explanatiions, excuses and justifications are snipped and thrown into the dustbin.
So, it's merely a question of determining when they made their move towards atheism.
May their deaths be long drawn-out and extremely painful.
If Focus is wrong (as I am, from time to time) and there is a god, and of a vaguely Abrahamic sort at that (which seems even more wildly improbable), then I needn't wish for what will follow. These suckers will roast, lol.
KNORR ... Dunno if he even thought about these things; more interesting in the "appropriate handling" of young lads' pen!ses when urinating
F.FRANZ ... ATHEIST - obviously!
Governing Body Members and Presidents ever since ... ATHEIST (poor dim Ray Franz being the exception)
("Wolves among lambs" Class)
I would ask when Jesus asked who REALLY is the F&D slave, why did he leave it to you guys to answer his question?
Why would the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all of a sudden change his mind through the inspiration of Judge Rutherford for men to shave the beard. Is Judge Rutherford greater than Moses, Greater than All The Prophets Who Wore Beards? The Prophets of my Jah in my Bible were Dirty Jew Hippie rock and roll shock jocks who ripped their garments, writhed around in faeces, lady ninja courtesans who slew the enemy in his bedchamber, wise rapper kings who attracted countless concubines, and a dirty hippie God-Man who partied with whores and colonial agents, and then went all Commie Rude Boy on the moneychangers just to stick it to the Pharisees and then made himself the sacrifice to end all sacrifices of the cute little animals. And that doesn't mean I'm an antinomian. the 613 are the commentary, the ten are the guidelines, and the two commandments are JAH'S Royal Law. And Pauls teaching is scripture, but it sure doesn't trump the Torah or the Gospels! MY Savior IS A DIRTY JEW HIPPIE! So what kind of wimpy White Bread Square is your God to make all you empty suits break up families and destroy childhoods because you can't stand having to care for the welfare of the next Generation and realize that your old balls-sagging generation doesn't really matter in the greater scheme of Jah, like rational elders instead of apocalypse junkies? I guess that is more of a group of questions mixed up with an uncivil polemic.
What is Truth?
I would like to ask them for a complete review of their finances, how much money has come in and where is it?
breakfast of champions
Do you really believe everything you teach?
Do you truly believe in your heart that god is using you guys as the source of truth for mankind.