bible i quoted from was the NWT from JW.Org.
Major reversal for the Watchtower imminent - Countdown: only 5 left.
by Focus 58 Replies latest jw friends
Walked into the hall 2 months ago and here are all the old books, phamplets, bibles, etc. piled on a table for the picking.. the library in the hall was getting rid of older material - so there will not be any reference materials to wrong thinking within the hall.
truthlover123 it sounds like your kingdom hall library is going to be replaced with a bookshelf.
Some congregations clear their libraries like that, but others do not and value these books. Very few any more have the Studies in the Scriptures but they are online. Few jws even go into the library but use the WTS CD. Many jws cannot explain what the current beliefs are let alone have something to remember from their past. The areas I lived in did not throw out old books (what a price they would bring). Keep clean copies, only one in the library, I can see that (unofficial KH librarian). One library even had a working old record player used from door to door and placards used on the streets.
I did grab some of Rutherfords 7 treatises -- there was just too much, and a lot were picking them over, the rest were broken down for the trash and I already have 8 bibles and concordants along with Blue Letter Bible site, so I did the best I could...
They do have a computer at the hall but it is never used... and even the DVD's only go back so many years now - I kept my 2007 WT dvd as it goes back to the fifties for referencing.
They do not have i net/satelite so unless the boys at head office direct it, we are stil in the dark as to online at hall ..
truthlover123 unless the boys at head office direct it, we are stil in the dark as to online at hall
Seems your body of elders are rebelling. The branch has stated that all KHalls should have internet access, and they have even gone so far as to get a negotiated ISP arrangement to keep the costs down.
Therefore, in the final fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy today, "this generation" apparently refers to the peoples of earth who see the sign of Christ's presence but fail to mend their ways.
The dumbass GB should have let this dogma remain. It provides a never-ending system of things all by itself, as there will always be wicked (non-JW) people. I guess the problem is that they REALLY believe that they are GOD's channel, and they really believe they are prophets. They have placed themselves in the position of spiritual Gurus and the flock is getting agitated. Time to make some shit up.
Watch for a flip-flop in the next decade, especially after Blackie-Chan, Gerrit McSnorefest, and Burntdog Von Tightpants kick the bucket.
Watch for a flip-flop in the next decade, especially after Blackie-Chan, Gerrit McSnorefest, and Burntdog Von Tightpants kick the bucket.
That's uncalled-for ad hominem, DATA-DOG.
Please treat these Spiritual-Rapists with the dignity they deserve.
Here, instead:
Ucantnome, thanks for your accurate exposition of WTS tacking, of which I was, of course, wholly aware.
But when the WTS speaks to dubs, it does so from a position far more important than that of the Babble, which it freely twists to its own temporary needs, Jesus (who has no importance at all except as to be used for kicking and defecation) or "Jehooobah" (whom it claims to be the Sole Earthly Representative, of, hahaha!"
So, it speaks for god.
god, presumably, does not change its mind.
Therefore, when the WTS announced the "generation" meant something, and then it is seen not to have possibly meant that, there has been major prophetic failure and a reversal (as in, a retreat).
There is no get-out by means of publishing another lying, arrogant article.
These five old ladies, bless 'em, pass away, we have another prophetic FAILURE = reversal for the Watchtower.
I'm sure it was clear to you already.
Plenty more such failures and reversals to come, as all their "1914" based rubbish up to about 1995 unravels.
Note that if we extend the "1914" beyond the onset of the Great War to 23:59:59.9999999 h on December 31, 1914 in the westernmost time zone, that only adds one person, Emma, born 29 November 1899, to the list of those who attained the age of at least 15 during 1914.
("Counting" Class)
Excellent post.
There is no get-out
Yes that is how I feel. I had a discussion with my father some years before the change and what it would mean if it were to happen. We disagreed but i thought it would never happen anyway.
It may be that Gertr. ude Weav. er has already passed away (punctuation as Google-spoilers)
If so, it is now down to just 4.
("Counting" Class)